My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 71

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Part 71

 Btw this chapter is dedicated to XrainbowXlollipopX because of the awesome cover she made me!!! Thank you again!!! Check it out guys!!! 

The next morning, Marie, Maria, and Mary woke us all up. They had invited everyone that was living in the house to breakfast, together. Alex and I knew that this would be the chance for us to confront everyone about this whole deal. It was like a mutual agreement we had made, without needing to talk.

At breakfast, everyone was cheery, as if nothing was wrong. As if Alex’s birthday, the day that would decide the future of the world wasn’t going to end in less than a month. As if they all hadn’t had plans of hurting Alex if she didn’t turn good. As if they were completely normal, and that nothing was wrong with their lives. It scared me, it was as if they had acted like this happened all the time.

“Is something wrong guys?” Alex asked.

“What? No, why would you think that?” Stephanie said.

“You guys are acting as if everything’s ok.” I told them.

“It is. Why wouldn’t it be?” Josh said.

“No it’s not. My birthday is in less than a month now…in a week!!!” Alex yelled.

Suddenly everyone’s eyes widened in realization. We were all focused on Alex’s life in danger we didn’t even realize that it was exactly a week till her birthday!!!

“Alex!! We had put some calming spells on them!! Did you have to panic everyone?!” Jack whined.

“Why?! This isn’t the time to calm everyone down!! We all have to get ready!!!” Alex yelled, panicking like the rest of them.

“What can we do, Alex? This isn’t something we can prepare for, you know?” Mary said.

“You guys have to get stronger! I can’t do this by myself! You guys are going to be the ones going against me if I turn evil, so you have to do your best!” Alex reasoned.

“We’re trying, Alex. Honestly, all of us combined aren’t nearly as strong as you. You don’t know how much power you posses. We can’t fight you.” Daniel explained.

“Exactly! I don’t know how much power I have. Keep it that way! That way you guys have some kind of advantage. I don’t want to turn evil!!” She finally exploded.

“It doesn’t matter, if you want to or not. It matters on how much self control you have and how much longer you can hide all your emotions. Your evil side is tightly contained right now, but you’ve been pushing it since you were born, that will all change on your 18th birthday. That specific day will be the only day when you have no control on whether you’re good or not. It depends on how much evil is within you and how much good is within you, or how strong each side is. We have no control over this. No one does.” Damon informed us.

“You can at least fight back!! You guys can’t let it end like this!” Alex yelled, almost hysterical.

“Of course we’ll fight back! We won’t let you take over the world!” Jacob said, trying to reassure her.

“Alex, you mean a lot to us. We can’t kill you, even if everyone’s life depended on it.” Bells admitted.

“There has to be something we can do!” Alex was giving up hope, just like the rest of us.

“No, everyone here is the strongest the world has to offer, and we’re all so emotionally attached to you we can’t let you die. There isn’t much we have left at our disposal.” Jason said, quite bluntly.

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