Imagine for AshleyMartin946

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Ashley's POV

Im so glad that me and my brother are at the beach today. Its seriously like the best day ever because the weathers great, the birds are chirping and its cloudy. 

"Hey Ash. You enjoying your time?" My brother Harry asked me. 

"Yea thank you so so so much for bringing me to the beach again" I thanked him again.

"Oh you dont have to thank me so many times again. You already did like 47 times. I counted" He said smirking. Sometimes I really love my brother but sometimes i hate him. 

"Ok well enjoy the beach" Harry says and I nod relaxing into my chair and just having fun. I feel like I was getting a burn on my stomach so I stopped reading my book for a minute and saw a really bad burn on my stomach.

I prodded it and it hurts badly!!!!

"HAZ!!" I scream. He comes to me and starts comforting me.

"Whats wrong?" He asks

"MY stomach has a really bad burn and it hurts" I tell him since hes a doctor

"Lets go home hon. It'll be ok I promise" He says and carries me to the car and lays me down on the seat. We drive back home and the next thing I know, Im in his room sitting on his bed and he has a needle in his hand.

"Look I gotta numb you and I'm not going to lie but its a sharp scratch. You'll be completely fine.  I love you" He said before restraining me and lifting my shirt.

"1..2...3" He inserted the needle and injected the numbing medicine in me. Soon I couldnt feel anything

"Ok I'm just going to rub this creme on you and you'll be done" He says and rubs creme on my stomach and rubs my hair. 

"I love you Haz" I tell him.

"Love you too"

AN: This is super short because the prompt was super short and i couldn't write much about it. I noticed that people stopped reading my book a lot and the votes went down. I really hope you guys can bring it up because this is all for you, I dont enjoy doing this anymore but I cant upset many people by closing this. 

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