Chapter 2

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Dan's POV:
*same time as when the first chapter starts*

It's been two weeks since Melody moved in with us and she's been barely out of her room. I've try to get her out but nothing works. I try to get her to come out to eat but it never happens. I wish I could help her. I didn't mean to forcefully take her from Gee. I just wanted my little sister. I wish she knew I did this because I love her.

"Hey, dinner's ready." I hear Phil say.

"Ok, I'm gonna try and get Mel out of her room to eat." I say. He nods and I head to her room. Well, my old room but it stays assembled for the fans. I wish she would come out more often so I pull get to know her. By the time I get to her room, I'm on the verge of crying. I try to suck it up and knock on her door. "Melody? Please come out and at least eat. P-please?" I choke out. I relive after a couple minutes that she wasn't coming out. I sigh and say,"Um, if you don't wanna come out that's fine I'll, uh, come back later." I walk back to the lounge and see Phil with a plate and  two other plates on the table. Phil looks at me and frowns. He knows she isn't coming out for dinner. I grab a plate and sit in my sofa crease. Phil turns on the telly and we decide on watching Attack on Titan. (A/n: because we all know that anime is awesome so yeah)

We are about fifteen minutes into the episode when we hear Mel come out of her room. Both of our heads turn toward the door, but all we hear is "I'm going out, I'll be back later." I effortlessly yell 'ok' back. I turn back to the tv trying to watch AOT without tearing up, and without Phil noticing I'm upset.

"Bear?" And he has noticed, "you alright?" I try to nod, but break down instead. I put my plate aside to avoid it breaking and curl up. Phil opens his arms and lean into him. I sob into his shirt. He is probably tired of these break downs since they have been happening everyday for the past week. "Hey bear, I have an idea." I pull my head up to face his. "You know how Gerard said that she loves the arts." I nod. "How about we go buy her bunch of arts supplies, instruments, sheet music, and all that jazz." He suggests. I nod liking the idea.

"There is a music store down the road. Why don't we go ahead and get her a guitar?" I suggest. He nods.

"The we can surprise her when she gets home." He says. I get up to go make sure I didn't look like I had just been crying. Yep. I'm good. We head out and start our way towards the music store. As we're heading the at way, we see Melody coming from that way. She obviously saw us and ducked down behind a bush.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Says Phil. I relies that I had started crying.

"I think I just saw Melody dive behind the bush and it got me thinking about how shitty of a brother I was to her. I mean I practically left her in a hell hole for 13 years. I don't know Phil, I just want her to open up and know she'll be able to trust me." I say.

"I know bear but you need to give her time. She's only been here for two weeks, she's still settling in." Phil says.

"I know it's just I want to get to know her. I mean, I didn't even know she existed till a month ago. I feel like it's my fault for letting her live a life without knowing her actual family. My mum and dad were both against me getting custody of her. They think that since she has done so well on her own till now she should be fine. But Phil, I just know something happened to her. I just have this gut feeling." I say.

"Isn't that why we are going to get her a new guitar? To make her happy again?"
Phil says. I nod when hear rustling and feel an arm rapped around me. I look down and see it's Melody. I immediately hug her back and so does Phil. I see this as the begin of becoming an actual family.

A/n: HELLO PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET LONG TIME NO SEE. Yeah, sorry about that. I do have the procrastination abilities of the one and only Daniel James Howell soooooo what would you expect! Anyway, the point is I updated and I'm going to try to update more often. *insert laugh here from future me* so yeah, GOODBYE!!!!!

Song of the Day: Ready to Go (Get Out Of My Mind) by Panic! At the Disco

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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