85, 86, 87

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Text #85.

March 25, 4:27 pm.

Today Sophie couldn't come here. She had to go to a fancy restaurant with her grandmother, who is a snobbish beauty queen. She said she'll come here Saturday.

Text #86.

March 26, 10:40 am.

So now it's official. You posted it on your Instagram and so did she. She posted a picture of you wrapping your arms around her and below the picture, a legend that read: The best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I love you, Ty. I had to dig my nails on my skin and blink back the tears so I wouldn't break down on the middle of the cafeteria. She loves you? She's only known you for some damn months. It's incredible how the word 'love' has been used to replace words like 'lust' or 'attraction'. Your status had her initials on them and a heart. A purple heart. The heart you said it was made for me and you. Now I know you never meant a damn thing you said. I should have known. That doesn't stop me from feeling anything less than I feel for you. Dammit.

Text #87.

March 27, 5:45 pm.

In school, everyone has been talking about the newest couple. The girl that's wanted by the whole male population of the school and the popular jock. It seems like a perfect match. It hurt even writing it. Some random girl came up to me today and asked me what happened between me and you. I blinked back the tears for what seemed like the twentieth time this day and just told her, "I used to know him".

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