My senpai list!

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  This is a list of my senpai list! These are both friends, wattpad peoples, and anime characters! Please enjoy!

1. Jackie-Rhodes


3. Duhgaminghamster

4. yellowwolf2288

5. Kirito!

6. Koemada-kun!

7. Bill Cipher

8. ZabbaWriter

9. Hinata/ Izuru

10. Saito!

11. Twilight

12. Derpy

13. All my book characters.

14. lovingyourself100

15. AkitaYukimota


17. IlluminatiSistersXOX

18. My bro bro :p

19. My cousin Alice.

20. And any ship that I like mostly XD

Thanks for reading my senpai list!!!! I will publish soon, my peeps 

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