2-nd Night

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Your POV

I was walking to the pizzaria, with my shoulder bleeding. I ignored it but my jacket is torn with a hole on were my wound was at, i got in front of the pizzaria real fast.
I went inside and was greeted with hugges.
"Welcome back (y/n)!" Said Mangle while hugging me.
"Y.....yeah um, Mangle my shoulder i...t hurts" i tried to get out of the hug ignoring the pain, Mangle then released her hug and looked to my shoulder with a suprised face.
"What happen!?" She asked with a really worried face.
"Noting" i awnsered sadly.
"YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOU SHOULDER!!!" Mangle screamed freaking out, its true she does care about me like a sister.
"Look i'll cover it up when i get home alright? Im fine it does'nt hurt anyway" i awnsered and started walking to the office.
Then i saw the others including Foxy running towards us.
"What happen?(y/n) your shoulder!" Said Foxy.
"I'm fine just leave me alone for tonight" i said with an exausted voice.
I felt someone grabing me from behind, its TFreddy.
"You gotta patch that up or i'll get invected" he said with a worried voice.
"I'm fine. Its not the first time i'm stabbed alright? This is the litteles wound i ever had its fine guys just leave me alone tonight" i awnsered and let go of TFreddys arm. I walked to the office and sat on the chair this time i didnt looked to the cameras, i was just so uneasy tonight i just wanted to die.
I almost forgot about Mari's gift, i rushed to the prize corner and held the plushie behind me. I looked around for Mari but i didht see him anywhere, i looked to the box and think for a while. Then i decided to knock it, i knocked three times and waited a while. Then the lid started to open a bit.
" (y/n)?" Asked the boy inside.
"Y..yes" i awnsered blushed a little.
Mari stood up in his puppet form then he turned to his human form, i remember his white silver hair. He tooked of his mask and smiled at me, making me blush a little.
"What do you have behind your back?" He asked gesturing to what im holding.
"Oh..., its for you" i responded quictkly. I can see that he blushed a little, i took a deep breath and handed him the puppet plushie that i made.
He was suprised and stared at me for a while, he smiled and accepted the present that i gave him.
"I..hope you like it" i said with a shy voice.
"I love it, thanks" he awnsered.
"Your welcome" i responded.
The situation got silent.

Marionettes POV

I was sitting in my box as always waiting for (y/n), i missed her so much. I did'nt got any visitors today, i layed there when the midnight clock rang, i tought she was gonna come a little late cause of Mangle and the others. Not long someone knocked at my box, i hope its (y/n).
I slowly opened the lid of the box
"(y/n)?" I asked.
"Y..yes" i can see her blush a little.
I stood up and turned into my human form taking off my mask and smiled at her i think it made her blush. I notice she was holding something behing her back.
"What do you have behind your back?" I asked gesturing to what shes holding.
"Oh..., its for you" that made me blush, all i remember was that shes coming to visit me today.
I can see shes taking a deep breath and holding out what shes holding to me, it was a puppet plushie. I've never seen a puppet plushie before so i just stared at her for a while also im kinda suprised. I gave a smile and accepted her gift with great pleshure.
"I...hope you like it" she said.
"I love it, thanks" i awnsered.
"Your welcome" she said, but then the situation got silent, i tried to think on whats fun to do. Then i teached into my box taking a red rose that i found on the floor this evening, and gave it to her. She blushed and smiled at me, that smile is what makes me so happy. She accepted the rose and smelled it.
"Its smells nice" she said giving me a smile that i will never forget.
I steped out of my box and got close to her, shes so nice to me and shes bleeding!?
"Your shoulder!" I just relized that her shoulder was injured and bleeding a little.
"I...its fine, im fine it doesnt hurt" she said but im still worried.
"I have some bandeges, lets patch that up so it doesnt bleed to much" i said while grabing the first aid kit.
"Um...fine" she said with sadness in her eyes.
She opened her jacket, shes still wearing her night guard uniform. I was able to patch the wound up.
"Did the others did this to you?" I asked worriying, but furious on who is the one responsible for this.
"She did" (y/n) just awnsered but i didnt get it. Was it Mangle? Chica? TChica?
"Look im fine its just...." she hesitated on awnsering so the one who did this is personal to her.
"Alright, it doesnt hurt right?" I asked still being worried.
She nodded and smiled again, she was sitting on a table beside my box i sat next to her. Shes still holding her rose
I was happy just to be with her, we talked trough the hour. I looked at the clock and its still 4am so i have 2 more hours with her. I gotta find out who did this, who stabbed (y/n).
"Um...Mari?" She called me.
"Yeah? Whats wr...." before i could finish my sentence she kissed my cheek. It made me blushed like a lot, so far shes the one moving not me.
I hugged her to repay that, she chuckled a bit. I just hugged her even closer
"I promise to protect you" i wisphered to (y/n) ear.
She giggled a bit and hugged me back. I felt so cheerful around her, i dont know why but i just love her.

(A/n) Halo! Thats how we say hi in Indonesia. Im soooo sorry if any of the story, word or whatever is'nt very good. To remind you i am Indonesian! So my english is bad i mean really bad.

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