How do i start?!

12 1 14

Yo yo yo! What up PotatO lovers.. Let me start by saying, if you don't like PoTaTOs then your not fleek.

So to began this story *takes a drink from my favorite mug*
I'll start it off by the most  original way.. Shall we began?? Okay!!


Marco! Marco!

"What mom! Give me 5 more minutes lil dicky is about to confess his love for me!"

"Marco this isn't mommy it's your teacher Mr.Jonas"

I hear laughter all around me
I popped one Eye open

"You mean... Mr.Jonas...? Like my first period history teacher?!"

He nodded

I began again

"You mean to tell me I'm not in my bed dreaming about cows and PoTaTOs?"

He nodded again

I pop up from my seat fully awake and people laughing  at me

"Okay well then let's now learn class full non sleep attention on me!" He began and looks at me open eyed

Let me introduce my self. Yo yo yo is Marco aka original pancake!
I am in a gang with cows. I'm there leader. Long story... I read this book that was about this girl and cows so bam! I'm in love.. I like PoTaTOs a lot.
I'm 16.. Yeah blah blah blah.. I'm not pretty or ugly I'm just Marco! Okay foo got a problem?! Anyways I have problems at home and at school but I'm still happy when I hang out with my buddy Jess

( A/N I'm married to my Fangirl best friend named Jess her user is larryvibesx  And her Instagram user is @/Harrys_buthole  she's pretty amazing)

Well as I was introducing you guys to my self the bell has already rung..

I started to walk down the Amazon hell hall way. A.K.A hall way of school.

Once I got to my amazing locker I was greeted by some pineapple heads.

"What up what up fellas!"

"Oh shut tf up Marco you dumb slut where's our homework?" Harry that doofus said

"Listen.... I didn't even do my own homework.. I was busy popping out my sick dance moves in my Just dance sorry not sorry but if you ex-"

I was cut off by Liam

"Listen Marcia or what ever your name is! All we want is the homework. we all have the same classes so it either you walk your ass in that Library and do one of our homework and we will copy or we will beat the living shit out of you" he said in a calm manner

"Damit boys. Sorry but I really need to like leave for my next class so....
Fuck off yeah?!"

Right when I said that Louis smacked me hard and pushed me closer to my locker.

"Okay guys stop we can do our own work lets not deal with her today I'm sick of seeing her ugly fat face we will continue after school" Niall said

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