Chapter Five

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They rode hard along the dark forest road. At the border they joined the few tall, dark-haired trillas men that Liran had left behind and he told them of their rescue plans. By this time, the night was nearly spent. They proceeded cautiously at first, in case there were some invaders guarding the border, though Elena thought it unlikely.

They slowed as the light ahead appeared to brighten the sky. The trees were tall scraggly pines with no branches at all near the ground. They ended abruptly in a line at the cliff edge. Liran could smell the salt sea and in an instant he felt a piercing sharpness in his heart. He was home.

"Follow me. The tunnel entrance is near," he said, keeping just inside the shadow of the trees as he moved along the cliff edge overlooking the coastline below. The ground here was covered in a thick layer of dried needles creating a soft springy carpet with very little undergrowth. After a few minutes they came to a place where the ground rose up slightly. Liran knelt and tapped the ground until he caught a change in the sound. He brushed aside the needles to reveal the wooden plank which served as a cover. He lifted it up and set it aside, revealing the dark opening of a cave. A rough-hewn stairway headed underground.

Liran entered the steps until only his head was above ground. He felt along the stone walls until he found a cavity. He touched metal and drew out a torch. Someone handed him a tinder box, and he lit the oil soaked rag that was bunched inside the top of the long handle and a smouldering flame leaped to life. He held it below the entrance, so the light wouldn't be seen by anyone in the fortress.

He began to step down into the darkness when the Captain put out her arm to stop him.

"Wait. I'm going first," she said.

Liran stepped back up. The torch-light danced about, playing shadows on his companions' faces. Once again the Captain wished to take control of his rescue plans.

"It's my son who is being held captive. I intend to rescue him, Captain. You're welcome to join me." A few of his own guards sniggered at this, but he noted a few disapproving faces among the Captain's people. He wondered, again, how this young girl had managed to earn their respect.

"Enter, if you wish, but I may have to order my guards to stop you," she waved forward toward the entrance.

A flash of heat radiated on Liran's face.

"You are my mother's servant. You will take your orders from me."

Two pink circles appeared on the Captain's cheeks and she pressed her lips together until they thinned. Liran smiled. He had finally managed to get the upper hand.

"Come," he said, and went forth into the inky darkness. But he didn't make it more than a step before several guards pulled him back by his clothing.

"I insist you let me go this instant!" he hissed, feeling that an argument at full volume was unwise.

The captain sat on the edge of the tunnel and slipped down in front of him on the stairs. She nodded to the guards who held him, and they released their grip.

"My Lord, I was given a task, and I intend to complete it. Although it didn't include keeping you alive, I believe the Queen would consider it a failure on my part if you were injured or worse. I understand that you're very concerned about Joran, and are eager to see that he is safe. I know that you also want your realm returned to your rule. I promise you, I will see all of this is done."

Liran sighed and held out his arm for her to lead on.

She took the torch he held and headed down into the dark tunnel. There was nothing left for him to do but follow.


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