7. Show You Accidently Get Them Addicted To

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - he appreciates a strong female lead, and Buffy kind of reminds him of you (an observation he keeps to himself).


Nikita - he likes seeing other assassins turned good even in a tv show, it makes him feel less alone and like less of a monster


The Office - he enjoys the pranks Jim pulls on Dwight and occasionally tries out a few of them on the other Avengers. In other news, the Avengers are currently pissed at you for this especially Thor since Pietro tried to cover Mjolnir in jello, it did not go well.


Game of Thrones - he enjoys watching other people struggle for power, and taking bets with you on who is going to die next.


Arrow - Unlike Pietro he isn't jealous of a hero with the same skills as him, in fact he actually enjoys seeing an archer hailed as a hero


Merlin - the show is funny and full of adventure and magic


Sherlock - a main character who has under-appreciated genius, need I say more?


New Girl - don't tell the rest of the team, but she secretly finds this show hilarious.


NCIS: Los Angeles - it's a crime show so you two can both guess at who the perpetrator is, but it's also quite a funny show so you can still laugh at it.

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