Bar Island

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Yes, that is the island from arrow in the gif. You may also notice the reference to arrow when Lance Merlyn is introduced. Just a lil something for all the arrow fans :)

Bar Island was covered in thick green pines with the  beach or rocky cliff face.  It was beautiful. Stiles thinks that if he had been some sort of photographer he would be stopping to capture very bit of this view. But somehow, the atmosphere just stops him from reaching for his phone.

When they got onto the island 3 days later, Stiles' annoying annoyingness had stopped, and he had gone unusually quiet. He was lost in a whirl of his own thoughts as they trudged through the gloomy island, everyone saddened by the depressing vibe the place let off, contrary to its beautiful appearance.

Do I even want this cure? Stiles debated in his mind. I will be useless again. The weak link. At least now I feel somewhat helpful.

No. He was going to take this cure. They needed him, the pack did need him. He wasn't useless.

"I spy with my little eye-"

"Isaac no."

"Why Scott?" Isaac whined, his arms and shoulders sagging. "I'm so bored, when are we going to get there?"

"Soon." Derek grumbled, eyes on his boyfriend, who was walking alone in front of the pack. Stiles fingered his daylight ring as he walked, a gesture only Derek noticed. Unconsciously, Derek fiddled with the beads on his own vervain charm, eyes dull with thought. "Right Lydia?"

Lydia looked up from the map that she held between her delicate fingers. "Uh... Yeah. We should be just about there. Wait look!" She pointed over to a stone hut with engravings swirling on the sides. "I think that's it"

"It's tiny." Stiles spoke for the first time since they had stepped onto the island. "Doesn't look like you could fit a coffin in there never mind a tomb."

"The whole thing is the tomb. The cure is buried in the arms of the dead vampire. In the coffin."

"That's great."

Scott and Derek worked together to pry off the door, but it was sealed shut. Stiles and Isaac went to help, but as soon as Stiles' palm touched the mossy stone surface, the door slid open with a rusty groan. Behind the door was a dark staircase leading down into the ground.

Hesitantly, Stiles stepped inside onto the first step and squeezed his eyes shut. Nothing happened.

He breathed a sigh of relief and made to continue down the stairs. An unseen force stopped him and he flew back onto his butt.


"Derek wait!" Lydia grabbed the werewolf's arm.

Stiles got up and made to walk back to Derek, but again he was met with a barrier. Frowning, he placed a hand out in either direction, and quickly pulled them back when he was zapped.

"For God's sake!" He huffed, folding his arms and pouting.

"It looks like supernatural creatures can't pass through."

"It must be a trap for vampires." Lydia said thoughtfully, stepping past Stiles and onto the stairs with ease. "The door springs open at your touch, and then bam. You're trapped and can't go down to get the cure, but you can't leave."

"Good job we brought you then, smarty pants." Stiles winked at Lydia. The banshee rolled her eyes and started down the steps.

"See you later losers." Max saluted the werewolves and disappeared down the stairs in front of Lydia.

"Lyds?" Scott called, stopping the girl. "Be careful."

"Always am Scott."

When the girls had disappeared, Derek made to go and stand with Stiles.

"Woah- stop right there sourwolf. Remember you won't be able to get out of here when you come back in. The only reason I can is because of that damn cure."

"Are you sure you want it?"

"Don't really have much of a choice now do I?" Stiles sighed, sitting crossed legged at the top of the stairs.

Thank you for 30k!

Comment your opinions so far. This is the second to last chapter of part 2!!

Does anyone want to discuss the new episode because I am dying. It was so good!!

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