Head ache {11}

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"Ah shit my head" I groan and roll over.

I slowly open my eyes and wine more as the sun adjust to my eyes.

I suddenly jump up looking around at my surroundings.

Oh know I remember who's room this is...I'm in the bad boy's lair.
But um where's the bad boy?

Why can't I remember a thing? I start to groan again at the pain in my head.

Yay my first ever hangover,

Note the sarcasm!!

I stand up and try to get my balance, I turn my head and see my reflection...holy shit balls I look like a freaking monster, my hair looks like I teased it, my eyeliner is all smudged and my dress in a crinkle and my bra is on show because my dress had moved from when I was sleeping....oh god I hope Chase didn't see it!

I start to try and wipe away my smudge makeup and I quickly braided my hair, I was just about to walk out when Chase walks in starts looking at me funny.

"What's your problem?" I asked then tilt my head down forgetting the black bra is still showing.

Nice Layla real lady like!

"Oh shit, sorry Chase" I say trying to hide my face feeling so embarrassed, I quickly tug my dress trying to cover my 'chest area' a little better.

"Don't be sorry babe, quit a nice view" he says with that cocky smile he does.

"Perv" I whisper under my breath.

He just laugh and pulls out some sweatpants and a black t-shirt, and hands it to me.

"Not that you don't look hot in...that, but I thought you might want to wear something more comfortable.

"Ah does the bad boy care?" I say sarcastically.

He just rolls he eyes.

I head to the bathroom and chuck on the black t-shirt pretty much drown me on my 5,5 frame compared to Chase's 6,2 height and the sweatpants hung over me feet.

So basically I looked homeless.

I walk out and Chase gives and a little laugh but tries to cover it up.

"Not funny Chase" I wine and cross my arms suddenly feeling self conscious standing next to Chase who is wearing similar sweatpants and is shirtless.

This guy makes my legs feel weak.

"It's okay babe you still look hot" he says still laughing.

I just give him a frustrated looked and he puts his arms up in surrender.


"Chase, what are you doing?" I say watching him trying to make pancakes.

"Uh kitty it's quit obvious, I'm making some killer pancakes" he replies like its so obvious, I look over and what he calls 'pancakes'.

"Chase those aren't pancakes" I say looking down at the sloppy substance cooking.

Chase then glares at me and attempts to flip a pancake but ends up missing it and ends up landing straight on his face.

The bad boy's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now