25- Whiplash

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My jaw drops and my face is ten shades red. They look at me and laugh. Cece pulls me to the table. "All these beers are for you. You'll need much more once you and Eric tie the knot." She wiggles her eyebrows and Trix laughs.

It takes me a while but I finally say, "Uh, I'm- I'm not getting married." Their eyes widen. People around us stare.

"What? Liar! Marah told us we should congratulate you for- what did she say? Unfreezing Eric's heart?" Jared says. The whole group laughs. "Why didn't you tell us you and Eric were a thing?"

I hide my face in my hands. "Oh gosh. We're not a thing. I needed to-" what the hell was I going to say? That Eric needed me to get his medication? I want to say it but I also want to live.

"Aw, did he call it off or something?" Jake asks. Darin, whose been looking down, looks up.

"No, we were never anything. I- well I lied because I needed something."

Trix gasps loudly. "Scandalous!" I put my index finger to my lips as I look around. "What did you need that made you lie like that?" She chuckles, shocked. "He might kill you!"

"I don't want to talk about it." I'm still hiding behind my hands. They all encourage me to speak but I won't give in. His disorders are his and they're personal. "I'm sorry I can't."

"Wait, so there's no tying the knot?" Cece says with a frown. I shake my head. I feel humiliated. Then it hits me.

"Wait- how many people think-" I groan. Eric might actually kill me.

"It's spreading like the Spanish influenza did hundreds of years ago," Jared chuckles. It sure did feel that severe. I wish I could hide in a hole. "You look like you need a drink. Here." I basically chug the beer Jared hands me and silently burp. If Eric hears about us getting married, I may as well be drunk if he finds me tonight.

I'm obviously suck at drinking as I'm already somewhat drunk, but it's mostly just confidence. I think... I don't even know. We sit around the table and play a lame game of truth or dare. Afterwards, we sit and talk about initiation and upcoming parties.

After a while, Cece pulls me onto the dance floor as dance music starts pounding through the air. It started out of nowhere and when I look to the bartender, Darin's giving him a thumbs up. He must have requested the song. I find it odd because it's the song that played the night I made out with Eric. If only I remember what it was called.

I start dancing alongside Cece, who is dancing super close to Jared. It makes me feel weird, like I'm a third wheel, so I move away. More Dauntless people start piling on the dance floor. It must have gotten a pretty late because I see Four at the bar. I heard he's a night owl. I wonder if it's really because he can't sleep from something. Nightmares maybe.

I spot Eric as soon as he steps into the bar. I immediately put my arms down, stop dancing, and hide behind someone taller than me. The person, I soon realize, is Darin. "Hey, this is your type of song, right?" He smirks and I nod with a fake smile. I'm more focused on staying hidden. "Can I ask you something?" I grab his hand and pull him to a corner away from the bar view.

"Mmm-hmm." I look over Darin's shoulder and see Eric on the other side of Four, ordering a drink.

"You're not actually marrying Eric, obviously. But are you guys like, you know, a thing," Darin looks down at my mouth as I answer.

"Well... I'm not 100%." I say putting my hands behind my back on the wall.

"100% committed? That would be understandable." Darrin takes a moment and realizes what he said. "Oh-"

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