Chapter 4: The Third

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Quick Author note. I changed Prussia's and Hungary's accents.

Hungary's POV

It was a while before I could hear Italy scream. First time I heard him I thought that he was in trouble. Of course, it wasn't long before Italy came out of the kitchen in different military uniform. Almost looking like Romano's uniform but he had tanner skin. "Italy did zhomething happen?" Austria asked. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Why should you-a think that-a something happened?" Italy asked. I widened my eyes and noticed that there was a silver kitchen knife in his hand. The grip on my frying pan tightened. "Vhy do you have a knife, Italy?" Prussia asked and put his hands on his pockets. Italy smiled creepily and looked at his knife like a precious item.

"Oh, nothing," Italy said and threw the knife at me as if I were a target and it was the dart. I quickly deflected it with my frying pan. But the impact was so strong that it stuck through my frying pan and was hard to get it out. "You owe me a new frying pan!" I exclaimed and ripped the knife out of the pan.

"You idiot Vhy vhould you try and attack her?!" Prussia exclaimed. I glanced at him then back at Austria. Who was a shocked as me. Silent but eyes widened. "Because..?" Italy asked and smirked. Prussia snatched the knife from my hands and had his face boiling in red anger. He was targeting Italy but Austria and I held him back.

"Calm-a down, Prussia! Maybe your just-a jealous that Miss Hungary-a still has-a feelings for-a Austria!" Italy said with a smirk on his face. My eyes widened as I was still holding back Prussia's arms. But my grip loosened when Italy had just said that. "How did he know..?" I muttered to myself.

"What was zhat?" Austria asked. I shook my head. Prussia stood silent as he dropped his knife. Austria had let go of him and suddenly Prussia stood still as words barely escaped his mouth. "Shut...up..," he muttered and clenched his fists. "What are you-a going to do-a about it, east? Your not-a even a country-a anymore!" Italy smirked and put his hand in his pocket.

Prussia unclenched his fists. "Now. You would want-a me to hurt-a your friend France, right-a?" Italy asked. Prussia's eyes widened. "Don't you dare go near him and Spain. I vill kill you!" Prussia exclaimed. Italy smirked. "If-a only that ticks you-a off. What if I-a kill Hungary-a now?" Italy asked. As soon as I blinked, I felt a spare kitchen knife on my neck and looked at Italy and Prussia with wide eyes.


My cheeks turned red at Prussia called my by my child nickname. After everyone found out that I was a girl. I gulped as I could almost feel the sharpness of the knife at my neck. I watched as Prussia had forcefully gripped on Italy's hand that was holding the knife at my neck. He son got a grip of his arm and flipped him to the ground. I kept my distance. In the meantime, it fiddled with my hair to find the pink flower on it.

The words Flower Pan rang in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it now that he mentioned it. He hasn't called me that in what felt like centuries. I looked at Austria who had an uncomfortable expression on his face. He slowly parted his lips to finally speak in this situation.

"What is zhe nickname 'Flower Pan'? How come I've never heard it before?" Austria asked. I shook my head trying to forget and held up my frying pan. "Stop!" I yelled. Prussia had stopped. Italy had stopped as well as the two got up. Italy put the knife in his pocket and smiled. "So you-a really care about Miss-a Hungary a lot," Italy said facing Prussia. He looked back at me sort of nervously.

I don't think that's the Prussia that I remember. At least, the present Prussia. He was being similar to when he was a child. Of course, I always thought that he would stay an idiot that just carried a sword just to bully other countries. But now, he isn't even a country. Maybe that's what changed him. The fact that he wasn't a country anymore.

"It's too bad that she-a married Austria before-a you," Italy said, clearly ticking off Prussia again. "Calm down, Prussia. Also, quit what your doing, Italy," I said in an attempt to do a soothing voice. Though fear and confusion struck my heart like lightning.

Italy smiled. With one blow, he surprisingly hit Prussia on the forehead with such impact that the knife got stuck. My eyes widened as I knelt down besides the twitching body and carefully removed the knife. Prussia screamed in pain as Austria brought the bandages. I put my ear against his chest to see if his heart was beating. Fortunately, it was and at the same time I could hear his breathing. Austria quickly wrapped his forehead in bandages.

"F-Flower... P-Pan...," Prussia said weakly. My eyes widened. "S-Stop calling me zhat! I don't even know why your calling me zhat in the first place!" I exclaimed as another faint pink formed on my cheeks. I looked at Prussia who smiled. I saw that he slowly closed his eyes. I checked for pulse and he was still breathing. I sighed in relief. He was just unconscious.

Suddenly, I was grabbed from the neck again and the same kitchen knife was put on my neck. Austria looked up. Immediately, Italy had thrown a knife being in the same situation as Prussia but on the arm. He passed out from blood loss. "Stop doing zhis!" I exclaimed and Italy smirked. "How about I-a kill one of the boys on the-a floor but get to-a spare one of them," Italy said.

"Just kill me!" I exclaimed. Italy sighed and shook his head. "I kill one. Though I will actually-a kill two. One of the-a boys from-a here and one from the-a allies," Italy explained. I gulped as I was thinking of my decisions.

If I say France then Prussia will be hurt. If I say America Philippines will be hurt. If I say England then America would get hurt. China has already fallen. But for Russia his younger sister, Belarus would kill me...

I was interrupted from my thinking when I heard an Italian voice in my head.


"Italy?" I asked.


"Okay, Italy?" I asked. I noticed that the Italy in front of me wasn't moving his mouth. Only for the creepy smile formed on his face.


I was confused. But I'm very sure what Italy meant. The voice in my head was slowly becoming faint.


"O-Okay..," I said. I couldn't hear the voice in my head anymore. I looked ant the insane Italy that I saw. I did what I could have done. I bit his arm and kicked his "Private Places" then grabbed my frying pan and took Prussia with me. At the right time, he started to move and the both of us ran at a fast pace. We were in the middle of an Asian country where a girl with two flowers in her head greeted us.

"Hello. I'm Taiwan."

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