Chapter 11

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Sam's POV


"Hey." Rick mumbled, standing in the doorway of my cell.

"Hi." I replied, raising up from my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"The same way I did when I thought he died the first time, but much worse." I answered.

"Come on, let's go." He ordered, sticking his hand out.

"Where?" I asked.

"Anywhere but here." He replied.

I took his hand and pulled myself up before releasing it.


"Does it get easier?" I asked Rick.

"Yes and no." He answered.

"I understand why you were so out of it when Lori passed." I mumbled.

"I still feel like that." He replied.

"I wish the pain would just go away." I replied.

"It will; not all of it, but eventually it will." He replied.


I looked to Rick, hearing voices from downstairs.

He grabbed my wrist and pushed me into the bathroom.

I turned around, a man sitting on the edge of a bathtub.

I jumped back, the man lunging at me.

Reaching for my knife, I grabbed the man from behind and cut his throat.

Blood splattered all over me, but at the moment I really didn't care.

He fell onto the floor with a thud, and Rick ran in.

"Can you take the jump?" Rick whispered, raising the bathroom window.

I looked at the edge of the roof to the porch, wondering what I had to lose anyway.

"Yeah." I answered.

"I'll be down behind you." He replied.

I let go of the edge of the roof, feeling like I was flying for a brief second before I landed on my feet.

It wasn't that big of a fall- maybe eight feet.

I looked up, Rick following suit.

"Run." He ordered.

I ran down the road, Rick right behind me.

"What happened in the bathroom?" He asked, opening the car door.

"He lunged at me and I just did what I had to do." I answered, getting in the passenger side of the car.


"Back so soon?" Carol asked as Rick and I walked into the prison.

"Didn't start off too well." I replied, looking down at my bloody shirt.

"Well, we're glad to have you back even if you don't want to be here." She replied, patting my back before walking off.


I walked outside, finding Rick cleaning off the blood stain from where Shane lied not even two days ago.

"You don't have to do that." I mumbled, standing behind him.

"Yes I do. It's a reminder that you don't need." He replied, scrubbing the ground with bleach.

"You're gonna go to jail for that. You're tapering with evidence." I mumbled, trying to make the situation light.

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