Chapter 8 Conversation

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 Chapter 8

Ryan drove the rest of the way. I slept through it. I couldn't bear to stay awake without thinking about him. He moved on so fast. Though he didn't have much to move on from I guess.

I just couldn't believe it. Well I sort of could. But him getting engaged that's just too much. I just needed to stop thinking about it.

"Maddy wake up were here" someone shook me lightly.

My eyes fluttered open and I yawned. Ryan was at my door holding a hand for me to get out.

I took it and got out of the car. We went and joined the others. They had already entered the house. I inwardly groaned and entered with Ryan.

The house looked messier than before I left. I guess they don't have anyone to do it for them anymore.

"So this is your old pack house?" Ryan asked.

"Yup it’s just dirtier then before I left" I shrugged.

Ryan and I walked a little more until we saw the others.

"Hello I am Alpha Cameron Anderson, welcome to my pack, this lovely lady beside me is my future Luna Emily" Cameron spoke happily.

I've never heard him this happy in forever. My heart felt like it was sinking. And my wolf was howling in pain. But I made sure to keep a blank expression on my face.

"I'm Alpha Evan Jameson this is my mate Tracy and our helpers are Owen, Paul, Yasmin, Ian, Ryan, and Madison" Evan spoke. He gestured for each of us to step up as he finished.

Please don't remember me.


Don't notice me.


 Please I'm begging you not to notice me.


But, no luck. Of course not, luck wasn't on my side today.

"Madison" Cameron looked at me in disbelief.

"Yeah how your been Cameron?" I chuckled nervously.

I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. And put my gaze on the interesting tiles.

They weren't actually interesting I just didn't want to look up. My wolf was going insane. Her and I had thousands of emotions going through our bodies.

Relax I tried soothing her.

After a few minutes I spoke it was getting way too weird for me. I could feel Cameron burning holes through me.

"So which members will we be teaching". I put an unreadable expression on my face.

Life full of rejection (Partially Edited) (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now