Chapter 21- Forgiveness?

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Ash's POV

We stayed silent for a half hour until I felt the couch dip beside me. Sighing I turn around and looked at Ricky.

"You know you hurt me really bad Rick." I said looking at my lap. He looked down and slowly went for my hand, he stopped when he almost touched it and dropped his hand back down.

"I-I didn't mean for it to happen. It was dark, I was drunk and she could've been your twin. I didn't know it wasn't you until I woke up in her hotel room next to the arena. I was so scared to tell you. I didn't even know how to bring it up. I am so sorry Ash. " He said, I felt a tear hit my hand. I looked up to see him crying again. Maybe he really does care...

"Rick... I am willing to give this another shot if, you promise this will never happen again." I said looking into his blue orbs.

"Thank you. I promise it will never happen again." He said hugging me. I hear the door click and everyone step back in the bus smiling. I rolled my eyes and snuggled into Ricky's chest.

"Well, now that that was over, I am going to go take a shower." Angelo said.

"And I am going to wash my hair in the sink. It is fucking annoying me." Ryan said turning into the bunks to get his shampoo. My eyes widened remember the prank.

"Wanna go get Starbucks?" Rick asked me. I nodded my head yes and through us out the door practically.

"Jesus Christ Ash. Whats into you?" He asked chuckling.

" I might have switched Ryan and Angelo's shampoo and conditioner to curl defying stuff and pink hair dye..." I said making my voice get really high. He started laughing really hard causing me to laugh. We intertwined our fingers and walked to Starbucks talking about random stuff. When we got there the girl who looked just like me was there. I let go of Ricky's hand and held up a finger at him.

"Hey!" I screamed at her. She turned at me and smirked.

"Oh looks its little Miss Broken. What do you want attention whore?" She said crossing her arms.

"Touch my man again and you will be in a swamp in the next county got it?" I said through gritted teeth. I looked over to Ricky and saw he was at the cash register getting our drinks.

"Bitch he is mine now." She said about to walk over to him when I grabbed her hair and punched her in the nose. Then, I threw her to the ground and walked over to Rick to see his mouth open and his eyes wide, staring at me in shock. I smiled shyly and took my cup from him.

"That was hot." Ricky said smiling. I blushed and quickly turned away. As we left I heard her scream and cry at me about how I broke her nose, making me roll my eyes. Our hands instantly interlock as we walked back to the arena. I looked at the time to see the buses were leave in 10 minutes.

"Ricky we gotta hurry buses are leaving soon." I said making him check his phone and we started sprinting making sure not to spill our coffee. We made it just in time to get into the bus before they left.

"You are so dead Ash." Devin said, he knew my plan the whole time. I smirked and shrugged my shoulder. Dad looked at me with confusion before we heard Angelo and Ryan scream. I quickly ran into the bunk areas and barely missed them.

I quietly hid under the bunks, trying to not burst out in laughter. I heard them pass by me a dozen times before I felt something grab my leg and pull me out from underneath the bunks. I looked up to see Angelo and Ryan staring down at me with anger clear as day written all over their face. Their hair was hot pink with curls. I started bursting out laughing and I couldn't stop, which mad them even more pissed off.

"So how's it going?" I asked after I calmed down.

"That's it!" They both yelled making me scream and run into the 'living room' to jump into Dad's lap and going into a ball like an Armadillo. I heard Ricky and Dad, along with Devin burst into laughter meaning Ryan and Angelo were by me.

"Daddy protect me." I mumbled like a 6 year old into his chest. He hugged me so I was in a sitting position on his lap and cradled like a child.

"No, don't touch my creature." He said pouting at them. I laughed quietly making everyone else laugh as well.

"We will get our revenge sooner or later, and you know it." Angelo said dark like and then slowly back away. Ryan glared then, soon left after him. We settled down and watched some Netflix. After a while I switched into Ricky's lap and cuddled into his side. I soon felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier.

"Good night babe." Ricky whispered in my ear as my eyes fluttered close, and I fell into a deep sleep.

I've Been Stung by the Wasp (A Motionless in White Fan Fic) *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now