Like siblings, though.

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This chapter contains traumatic experiences, so much that it may trigger some emotions inside all of us. I have been through this shit to know how much it fucking hurts to just even write it and as I was writing it, flashbacks of events that had happened to me just sunk in my brain and before I knew it, I was crying so hard. So if you have traumatic experiences about 'rape'. Please. I'm warning you, don't read OLI's POV. That's where it starts. I have been through it to know how much it fucking hurts to be a victim. So. please. Just skip it. It's not important anyway. Thanks.)

Tony's POV

We ate lunch and passed time with cuddling like siblings, though. And watching her favorite movies while exchanging stories of our wicked lives.

"So.. Big bro, tell me about the girls you dated? Are you the dump-er or are you the dump-ee?" She asked me after loads and loads of topic just jumping into one to the other.

"I-.. I uhh.. I haven't really dated THAT much girls in my life. Some I just wasn't really serious about. There was only, uhmm.. 4 girls that I have been so serious about." I said nervously, I didn't really wanna open up this topic but i dont want her to think that I was hiding something.

"Oh. Can you at least just tell me the stories with these 4 girls?" She asked sleepily. It's only 3 in the afternoon? How could she be so sleepy already?

"Okay. Well, the first one, I met when I was in high school. Her name was Mindy. She wasn't THAT popular. Just the average actually. And I wasn't really well-known in high school too. So at a party at someone, I forgot, we just didn't know anyone at that point and we stumbled on each other. Everything went well in the first 2 years we were together. Everything went downhill when I forgot about our anniversary because I had a band then, and we were doing gigs and, you know, tryna get famous. So she just cracked up, went psychotic and ended up in a mental hospital. Turns out she had a past that wasn't really.. uhm.. good. And she tried suicide at the mental hospital until I went to get her, but i was just too late. She was gone I arrived." I told her and I felt her sob a little. Was she crying? Oh no. "Hey I'm sorry. Dont cry. Please. I wont go on if you dont want me to." but she just gestured that I should continue. She closed her eyes and listened carefully.

"My second serious relationship, was at 2005, her name was Riel, I met her at a gig PTV had before we were really THAT famous. She just had the most amazing personalities and the most perfect features. We only went for 1 year til I found out she cheated on me with an old guy. So I dumped her. Turns out, she never liked me. She was sick of waiting for me to get famous. Said she had so much expectation on me. She said I'll never be famous. I'm just a no one. So PTV went up to a bigger stage got signed and shit. 2 years later she found me at one of our concerts and told me she has 2 kids now and she's still stuck with the old guy and they're broke. She needed help with the babies. I loaned her money. But I didn't expect her to pay it back, though." I said. All the pain is now starting to come back. I feel my heart beat faster. "That must've sucked on her behalf, huh? She must regret what she did." She said yawning after. She demanded I continue.

"The last one was just 2 years ago, her name was Katie. I met her at a gig too. She was just perfect. I loved her. So much that I imaged my life with her til I grow old. She's caring. Understanding. We rarely fight at all. But there was just 1 thing she never told me. She had cancer. Lung cancer. I only found out when it was incurable. I stayed with her for a whole month. I mostly stayed at the hospital and prefer it as my own house, the positive was I was with her. And she's still alive. After that month, she was allowed to be let out the hospital. The doctor informed me that I should make the most of everything we have. Because she wont have much time. I took her to places that she wanted to go. Made her eat everything she want. We were happy. Until she asked me why was I doing it..." I paused and let out a sigh. The scars are still fresh in my heart. But I continued. "After that, she was smart to figure out exactly why I was doing it. She cried a lot. And I told her to stay positive because I will always be with her no matter what. Weeks later, we were on a picnic at Florida. When we were packing. She just fainted and I panicked. Soon enough I realize to just accept it. But I couldn't move on. And she promised me she'll always be with me and she wants me to move on. Said she was a disaster til she met me. Then, she passed away holding my hand." I felt tears stream down my face. I sniffed it all out so loud to startle Trish. All memories just locked in my heart, and before it could even go through my brain and take over my body, I tried to put it back inside my heart and lock it again when I see Trish's angelic face. She was just a mix of all those girls I loved before. And I know they all want this for me.

Love's Blindness(SWS,PTV,OM&M,BMTH,ATL,Danny Worsnop)Where stories live. Discover now