Chapter 7 Our home

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So we found a place far away in the snow covered mountains. There was a cave but we all passed. " Hey Sid you know what we should do!?" I looked over to Dustin and winked. He got what I was saying. I looked over to Madeline, then back to Sid.
" WE SHOULD BUILD A CASTLE!" We all said at once. " O we should build a stable and have ice horses and ya!" So off we started. Madeline burned the snow to make the outline of the base. Dustin blew the access snow away. Then Sid and I started. While Sid and I worked, Dustin and Madeline made the outline for the stables and made their horses. "DONE!" Sid and I yelled. " Whoa its beautiful . "Yup welcome home. Ok Madeline Dustin its your turn." So they went in. Madeline burned the ice and snow so that it made a burned brown color ( it was actually really pretty) she left some of it ice too. Dustin made the chandelier and fountain. (The fountain was outside.) While all that was going on Sid and I made the stable and our horses. My horses name was Winter. Sydney's was Frost. Madeline's was Inferno. And Dustin's was Rapid. When we were all done we finally sat back and gazed upon what we have done. "Wow" Madeline said.

" Did we do that?"

" Ya we did."

" Wow."

" Well I'm tired."
" It is getting late."

"Yup. Its almost Midnight."

" Then were is that light coming from?"

" That would be my horse."

" Of course

" Won't it melt down the stables ?"

" I was thinking the same thing."

" Wait."

" Nope."
" How?"
" Dustin made a wind barrier so that the fire couldn't get to hot."
" Oh." " Well good night."
" Just go in a room we will pick out our real rooms tomorrow."
" Ok."

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