17 (Part 2)

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The night was pretty intense, if you asked Lauren or Camila.

The two had soon fallen asleep on each other after spending the night telling each other stories from their childhood.

Lauren was well aware that there was no turning back. She had told Camila everything, she had fallen in love with her and she needed to put all her trust in the girl.

Lauren opened her eyes and looked down at the girl who slept on her. She smiled widely.

Knowing Camila was a deep sleeper, Lauren squeezed out from underneath her. She was beyond exhausted, but she had to go home later today to plan her Halloween party.

Lauren loved Halloween. It was her favourite 'holiday.' She threw a party every year. As Lauren recalled, she had never invited Camila or her friends to her party. But this year things were going to be different.

Not that Camila and Lauren discussed it, but Lauren really wanted to wear one of those cheesy couple costumes.

Lauren walked into the kitchen, looking through the fridge for some food. She sighed when she opened up the empty fridge.

"I guess I'll buy her breakfast then," Lauren frowned.


Dinah's POV

"You cheated!" Normani shouted, pushing Dinah out of her house. She shut the front door, but Dinah was well aware that she was still on the other side.

"Babe, please listen to me..." Dinah pleaded, hoping that a miracle would cause Normani to open the door.

She sighed and sat on the porch, when she realized that there was no way Normani was going to forgive her.

Dinah had gotten drunk and cheated on Normani, when she told Normani, the girl was heartbroken, but she didn't want to leave Dinah.

Then Dinah broke up with her, and well... You can guess how Normani felt about that.

But Dinah knew she was being an idiot. Now all she wanted on a Sunday morning, was to cuddle up next to the one girl that made her heart glow.

"Um, excuse me." Dinah looked up at a boy who stood in front of her, he attempted to move past Dinah, but the porch was too narrow for him to pass her.

"Who are you?" Dinah rudely asked.

"I'm Aston, this is Normani's house right?" The boy asked, looking up at the front door.

"Yeah, why are you here? What business do you have with my girlfriend?" She asked.

The boy chuckled, "no sorry babe. My girlfriend. Now if you excuse me, my girlfriend invited me over for breakfast." He smirked.

Dinah felt her blood boil.

"What? No. Go away. She's taken!" Dinah shouted, attempting to shoo away the boy with her hand.

"She is taken, by me." He proudly stated. Dinah wouldn't budge.

The boy moved away from the blocked steps. He walked onto the lawn, and climbed onto the porch, jumping over.

Dinah widened her eyes. He winked and proceeded to the front door.

He rang the doorbell, not long after Normani answered it.

"Hey babe," she said, in a low seductive voice. Dinah felt her jaw drop.

She pulled the boy into the house and slammed the front door shut.

"No fucking way!" Dinah shouted.

She wouldn't admit loss like this.

Dinah got up and hopped the fence, into Normani's backyard. She walked around, attempting to find Normani's window.

When she had found it, she picked up a pebble and threw it at her window.

No answer.

Then she threw another.

No answer.

Then she threw two more.

Still no answer.

Anxious, Dinah picked up a stone, and used all her upper body strength to throw it at her window.

She widened her eyes when she heard the window crack.

"Fuck," she mumbled, realising she had broke the window.

"Hey, who's out there?!" A man appeared in the window.

Dinah realized that, it wasn't Normani's window she broke, it was her dad's.

"Fuck!" She whispered to herself.

She ran, jumping over the fence out of the backyard.


Camila's POV

Later that night, Lauren returned Camila safely home. She was hesitant about going into the brunette's home, but soon agreed.

Camila had given Lauren a proper tour of her house, even though the girl had seen it many times before.

They stopped in front of Sofi's room.

Camila looked over at Lauren, "what did Sofi say to you yesterday morning?" She asked.

"She wanted me to keep you safe, so I promised her I would," Lauren whispered, knowing that Sofi was on the other side of the door.

Camila blushed.

Lauren knocked on the door, which was soon opened by Camila's sister.

"Lolo!" The girl happily shouted.

"Hey there little one. Your sister is getting boring, can I play with you?" She asked. Camila nudged Lauren at the comment.

"Sure, she's always boring. I don't know how you're going to marry her if all she does is eat pizza and tell knock knock jokes," Sofi said, thinking out loud.

"Sofi!" Camila exclaimed.

Lauren chuckled, picking up Sofi, "that's what I love about her." She said, causing Camila to blush once again.

The night had gone fairly well. Lauren spent time with Sofi, the two had gotten along at last.

Lauren had decided to watch Finding Nemo with Sofi, the little girl had eventually fallen asleep on the couch, and so did Lauren.


A/N: your second update of the day. One more to go.

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