Chapter 9

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Jane's POV
I woke up with Hayes by my side and his muscular arms wrapped around me. I carefully got out of his grip and stretched. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I finished brushing my teeth and I went to my closet to see what I should wear. I decided on wearing a simple white t shirt with high waisted jeans with my Mickey Mouse vans. "I saw you." Hayes said. Shit. He saw me change. "Whatever." I said. He got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. I walked out my room door and went downstairs to make a simple lunch since we had woken up at 12:47 PM. I made us both 2 turkey sandwiches and I ate mine. "Jane, I'd really like to thank you for waiting for me so that we can eat together. Like, really appreciate it." Hayes said. "Your welcome. That's what I'm for!" I said. "But seriously you could've waited." Hayes said. "But seriously I was hungry." I said. "I have to stop by Nash. But I think his girlfriend Ashley is there." Hayes said. "Nash has a girlfriend?" I asked. "Yeah." Hayes said. "I need to pick up my computer." Hayes said. "For??" I asked. "For stuff. I don't know, you just never know when a robber could appear at Nash's house and rob my computer." Hayes said. He was such a dork. I pecked him on the lips quickly and grabbed my plate and his and placed it inside the dishwasher.

We held hands and drove to Nash's house. We arrived and Hayes opened the door with his jaw open wide. "Hayes what's wrong?" I whispered. Hayes quietly carried me and ran to his room. He put me down, "You know that girl on the couch kissing Nash? That's not Ashley." Hayes said. "Why are you surprised?" I asked. "Because Nash wouldn't do that. He wouldn't break a girls heart like that." Hayes said. It's true Nash wouldn't do those things. I guess 1 year can change someone quickly. "Damn." I said.

Hayes grabbed the computer and charger. We walked out quietly again. "Just forget about it. Let's do something together." I said. Hayes' blue eyes connected with mine. We then kissed and it felt, hm, let's see. Amazing.
Before you kill me i am EXTREMELY sorry! My life is pretty fucked up right now. Idk if you guys wanna read about it maybe another day but I'm once again super sorry for not updating😔 song suggestion is: my way ft Drake💕 idk why but anyways love y'all don't forget to stay magcony -jade💕✨

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