Insane!Merome X Shy!Reader

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Requested by EnderWolf64MC

Y/n's P.o.V

You were on the edge of the dark woods on the edge of your town. You turned around and looked at your group of friends slightly shaking and stuttered out "D-Do I h-have to go i-in here f-f-for the n-night?" and they all nodded. Your friend (f/n) said "You lost the bet so you have to pay the price." and snickered. Your other more serious friend said "Calm down, there is nothing in the woods. You'll be ok, and if you don't come out in the morning we will know you either died or got lost." and then they walked away.

You glared at them all and picked the back pack up packed with a pillow, blanket, some food, and matches for a fire. You looked back at the woods then back at your friends and slowly and shakily walked in. You walked around the woods looking for a clearing to set up a small camp.

A few minutes later while walking you found a clearing and set the backpack down and sat down and leaned against a tree. You felt like you were being watched the entire walk and you just gulped and looked around at the dark woods ahead. You heard a twig snap and you froze and started to shake and quickly grabbed your back pack and looked threw it looking for a weapon.

You found a pocket knife and pulled it out thanking your friend who was always paranoid and you stood up shaking and held the knife out in font of you pointing in the direction of where you heard the stick break. You stepped back and froze as you hit something that didn't feel like the rough, scratchy bark of a tree. No you felt something warm and then heard a dark chuckle.

You slowly turn around and saw a boy taller than you, around your age, eh was wearing a red and black checkered flannel jacket with a white t-shirt underneath with dark blue jeans and red sneakers. He wore a chain necklace around his neck and at the end two silver and shiny dog tags. He had light brown hair and brown eyes.

You took a small step back hitting something or someone else and you yelped and jumped to the side and backed up into a tree holding the knife out in front of you. You saw another boy a bit taller than the first and was wearing a black suit and red tie, he had dark brown hair and darker brown eyes. You just started to shake a whole lot seeing them covered in blood. You saw the two smirk and take a step toward you and you pressed your self against the tree shaking wildly.

You saw them come closer and closer as one pulled out a knife and another pull out an axe. You screamed as the one with the axe slashed at you and it slashed at your stomach as blood gushed out and you fell to the ground and cried out in pain. You just held the gash as tears fell down your face. You looked up and saw their psychotic smiles . You cried out bloody murder as one drove a knife into your arm. You felt your self losing blood fast as you tried to stay awake.

The last thing you heard before you blacked out was "Were not done yet~"


BEST CLIFF HANGER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry im not sorry suckers!!!

Im Color and Sticks And Stones Can Break Your Bones And Words Can To! -hugs books-  MINE!!

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