my true love (enzo zidane love story) part 8

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next week

valen's pov

i'm at the airport.. my mom's going to indonesia today for an investment business with my dad. "bye mom" i hugged her.. "bye dad" i hugged my dad. "bye sweet heart" she walks away with a smile and so is my dad. then i get into my car with my driver, he drive me home rightaway. man.. this is so cool! i'm gonna be alone for 3 days!

but.. at 4 pm enzo gonna have a rehearsal. i'll wait it's still 10 am.

Enzo's POV

Okay, i should tell valen how i actually feel for her! No more waitting this time!

But how? I need a lonely place for both of us. Hmmm i'll call Mario my bestfriend in the madrid academy. I havent told him about Valen but i need his advice this time.

*phone call*

Enzo: hello mario?

Mario: yes enzo?

Enzo: can you pretend to talk with my parents and saying that you'll have a partty?

Mario: yeah but why?

Enzo: im in love with a girl and i wanna tell her how i feel

Mario: omg you're in love? Okay i'll talk with your parents.

Enzo: i also need a lonely place. Can you look one for me?

Mario: no i can't do that. You better talk to that girl, maybe she know..

Enzo: oh okay, see you at trainning

Mario: okay bye

Enzo: bye

4 pm

Enzo's pov

Trainning and i see Valen again smiles at me.

My dad come as usual. Then i saw mario talks to my dad and my dad calls me "Enzo come here please" i ran there slowlly. "What dad?" I asks. "You can come to mario's party but remember get back at 10 pm ok?" Omg i'm so happy! "Okay! Thanks dad!"

At rehearsal time i saw my dad going to toilet, so i uses that time to talk with valen.

I ran towards her. We're being separated by fences. "Hi enzo!" She smiles. "Hi valen.."

I smile to. "Ummm can we meet in a lonely place tonight?" I ask. "My house is empty, you can come if you want to" she looks so happy. "Give me the adress i'll be there at 6 pm" i asked"la rosa street number 4" she gave me a piece of paper. "Thanks valen, i gotta get back to trainning."


Valen's POV

It's 5.45 pm enzo will be here in 15 minutes. I wonder how he will get here, i hope no bothering madrid paparazzis come over.

I've prepared a drink and some CD's.. I opened my phone and take a look at that picture of enzo kissing my cheek.

I wish i could have my first kiss with him tonight lol oh my god what the hell am i thinking about?

*sounds of car comes in front of the fences my guard calls me "miss who is coming?" "My friend" i answered then he opened the fence. I look at the mirror taking a look at my black tights and make up.

*knock knock*

He's here! I walked up to the door and opened it. The man i love stands there smiles at me. I replied that sweet smile. "Good evening valen", "goodnight enzo, uh let's sit.." I'm a bit nervous. Then we sit together at the sofa. "Wanna watch a movie?" I askedm "no i am here to talk about something with you." He stares at me. "What is it enzo?"

Enzo's POV

I dont wanna be a coward anymore this time. I should tell her how i feel. "Tell me enzo, is it something bad or something good?" She asks. "Well it's according to you. You decide how good or bad it is after you hear it okay?" She nodded. I'm feeling nervous.

Valen's POV

His lips getting closer to my ear. He want to whisphere something.

"Valen, i love you..." That's what he whisphered. I am surprised.

But he feel the same just like me. I should tell him how i feel too.

" I love you too, Enzo" we're looking at each other that moment. We dont know what to do. Both are being surprised by the words they heard. " I dont know if you feel the same" enzo told me. "I have no idea about your feelings too, i thought you were just playing" i told him. "I didn't valen.. Now can i hug you?" I nodded then he hugs me slowly, his hug's getting tighter.

"May i kiss you?" I am surprised. I was wishing for this. I smiled at him and nodding. Our lips are getting closser and closser, then it finally touches. That is the moment of my... Or probably our first kiss....

Enzo's POV

We stopped kissing. It was my first kiss. " It was my first kiss valen" "me too" she said" we don't know what to do. So we decided to watch Titanic together until it's 9pm.

my true love (Enzo Zidane love story)Where stories live. Discover now