Chapter Seven: Family Ties Part III

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"Well, this is weird," Stefan said as he, Elena, and Holly made their way towards the crowded staircase leading to the Lockwood. "Even though you guys are twins with different hairstyles I feel like I'm seeing double."

Holly and Elena exchanged smiled. "You get used to it."

Mrs. Lockwood greeted them at the door. "Hi, guys, Elena your dress is beautiful, Holly welcome back. Come on in."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood." Holly said as the three of them entered. Stefan whispered something in Elena's ear and she giggled, Holly feeling that she was intruding on a date decided to walk towards Damon and Caroline who were already there and ironically the people that she wanted to least see. "Hi, guys."

"Hi, Holly I love your dress," Caroline frowned when she saw Liz talking to Mrs. Lockwood still in uniform. "I'll be right back, someone forgot to tell my mom that this is a party, not a work day."

When Caroline left, Damon smirked at her and said in an overly polite way. "You look stunning. Champagne?"

"I'm under age." She snapped, not really knowing how she should act especially after the whole-almost-tried to kiss her scene.

"Fine. Sprite. BRB. Which means be right back."

Holly gave him a strained smile. "I know what it is."

A minute later Damon handed her the glass of soda. "Thank you."

Holly barely had a chance to take a sip before Damon interrupted her thoughts. "So had many freaky conversation with yourself lately. Not attractive by the way."

Holly almost spitted out her soda. So she hadn't imagine it, she had talked to Damon. "What did I say?"

Damon shrugged. "You were mumbling a lot, something about unseen evil and wanting to leave Mystic Falls." He gave her a cocky smile. "It was like you were having a walking nightmare, I bet I can make you have good dreams again."

Holly practically pushed the glass back to him. "Thanks. Very helpful."

Stefan and Elena were looking at Elena and Holly's parent's wedding rings when Stefan decided to pop the question. "There is so many history in these rings."

Stefan took a deep breath. "Elena, can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"It's about Holly," Stefan tried to phrase the words carefully. "I don't know if she has told you, but she has been acting a little strange and recently Damon saw her . . . talking to herself and running all over town. Have you taken her to a doctor or has she always acted like this?"

"Stefan, look I know Holly is acting a little weird, but she is not insane." Elena said tightly. "And how can you believe Damon? I know he's your brother, but that man lies through his teeth."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Stefan replied, biting his tongue. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you and Holly."

The names Stefan and Damon Salvatore caught her eye in the original registry for the founder's ball back in 1864. The names were written in black ink. "The original Salvatore brothers, Damon and Stefan." A voice said in her ear. "Our original ancestors. They were practically royalty in this town."

Holly turned away and crossed her arms over her chest "Look, Damon I really don't feel like talking."

Damon raised his hands up in mock surrender. "Ok, ok, I'll make it quick I'm sorry." The statement surprised her. "I shouldn't have tried to kiss you the night of the football game, I'm sorry I was . . . wrong."

Holly looked at him before she replied. "Thank you for apologizing."

"So friends?"

"No likely." She shot back. She turned her attention back to the objects. "So I'm guessing you know a lot about this stuff."

"I know everything about this stuff." Damon pointed out. "But I especially know a lot about Damon and Stefan. Did you know that they were killed when they were trying to save somebody in a burning church back in 1864?"

Holly looked at him strangely. "Who were they trying to save?"

Damon shrugged. "A woman I guess. Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman?"

Holly smiled. "Look Damon I know things haven't been great between us but," she said slowly. "It's obvious you are going to stay here for a long time, so it's better if we don't try to kill each other."

Holly was talking with Bonnie when she watched her sister break off mid dance with Stefan. Holly guiltily mumbled. "I'll be right back." She followed Elena towards the sitting parlor. "Elena are you ok."

"I'm fine." Her voice wobbled. "It's just Stefan, I feel he's hiding something from me. And then I mentioned Katherine and he got fired up. Maybe you're right."

"Or maybe I'm wrong." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. Caroline probably got the wrong gossip or something or Damon is playing us." She watched Damon walk up the stairs towards the antique department. "Just hear Stefan out."

"Lights!" Mrs. Lockwood snapped to the waiters as she left the dining room. "We need someone to light up these candles ASAP."

"Bitch." Bonnie murmured. She stared at the unlit candles and raised her chin. Suddenly the candles lit up. Bonnie gave a frightened whimper. Had she really done that?

Holly entered the ladies room and found Caroline washing her hands. She looked up. "What's with your sister and Stefan? Trouble in paradise?"

Holly shook her head as she started retouching her lip gloss. "No, just a little spat."

"It didn't look that way."

Holly noticed strange, red marks around Caroline's neck. She pulled off her scarf. "Caroline, what-"she noticed a bite mark. "What happened?"

Caroline tried to push her away. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing, Care!" her voice hardened. "Did someone hurt you? Did Damon hurt you?"

"No!" she yelled. "Just leave me alone, Holly!"

Holly gave a frustrated sigh as she left the bathroom and practically ran into Damon. "Well, hello to you too." Holly tried to slap him, but Damon easily grabbed her wrist. He stared her down. "Yeah, we're not going to do this again. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice-"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Holly hissed. "Caroline is a person and in her own way she is trying to be a good friend and for some strange reason she loves you. What kind of sick monster are you, biting her and bruising her? I was wrong, we can never be friends, and you don't deserve friends. So do me a favor and never speak to me, or Caroline or any of my friends and family got it? Rot in hell."

Damon was pulling Caroline outside, furious that Caroline had ruined the small bond of trust that he had already formed with Holly. It was clear she wouldn't trust him again. "I'm sorry," Caroline whined. "I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Well, It did happened didn't it," he patted her cheek. "Thankfully, I'm over you." He sunk his fangs in her neck and felt something burning. Vervain. He choked on it as he fell to the ground, losing conciseness.

Caroline sat up slowly as she looked around her. She was in the Lockwood's backyard, how had she gotten there? She looked down and saw the pretty crystal that Damon had stolen earlier. She put it in her pocket.

"Caroline!" Holly and Elena were running towards her.

Elena was the first to reach her. "Care, are you ok, Holly told me what happened with Damon. Caroline?"

"I'm fine." Caroline whispered.

"Care, you're shaking." Holly whispered. She couldn't help, but feel sorry for her. Yes, Caroline had been a bitch to her since she arrived, but she sure didn't deserve what was happening to her. Caroline burst into tears and Holly hugged her. She patted her back. "It's going to be ok, Care."

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