(Heart Attack)

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"Yesterday was fun then wasn't it?" Fiona said looking straight, I remembered what happened and shook the thought out of my brain. "Look me and Hailey are really sorry about what we said yesterday" She said looking at me in regret.

Cameron did come yesterday and well they didn't like him because they are scared for me-scared because this whole good act of his will eventually turn bad.

"I'm ok and you guys gave your opinion that's what I wanted anyway, you know me always asking a second opinion from other people" Fiona gave me a small smile and a side hug.

Oh yeah and it is my birthday, Fiona hasn't remembered. At least she remembered once rather than four times in a row. Fiona is very forgetful she doesn’t even remember when it is her own birthday. I saw Hailey talking to her cousin and the devil and Selena speaking. We walked up to Hailey and she punched me in the arm.

"Happy birthday, I'm going to give you lots of birthday punches" She said, I protected my arms.

"Oh shit I totally forgot" She said laughing.

"It’s ok" she gave me a sorry look and a quick hug.

"I got you something but I will give it to you at lunchtime" She said.

"Why did you get me something? I honestly didn't want anything, a happy birthday is really enough" She moved her hand like it was no big deal.

"Has Selena said happy birthday?" Fiona asked. I shook my head as a no and Hailey rolled her eyes.

"I swear man Zendaya is getting Selena under her trap ad Selena is just being two faced. Watch when she can't find Zendaya she will come to us we will start talking about Zendaya and she will go and tell her" Hailey said annoyed.

"We got English next let's see what happens" Fiona said, right on cue the bell went.

"Well I'm going to lesson" I told me, they started making wolf whistles.

"Always so eager to get to his classroom “Fiona said, before I could say anything they both ran off. Mr. Benson wasn't waiting outside his classroom door. I peeked my head through the door to see him managing some papers, I slowly knocked on the door he looked up and smiled at me.

"Come on in April" He said looking back down, I made my way into the classroom, I took my time to get to my seats because I knew he was going to tell me to give the books out. Three, two o-

"April gives the books out" He said. Right on time and there you have it. I walked over to the box and got the books out. I heard some footsteps I looked up and saw Selena coming inside the classroom. Ignore her April, ignore. My book was on the pile so I had to walk past Selena, I feel so bad. I made my way over and put the book down on my desk.

"April happy birthday" I heard Selena say, Mr. Benson looked at me and smiled.

"I never knew it was your birthday but thank you Selena for saying it" He said giving her a smile. "Happy birthday miss. April Keira Lily" He said slowly, I felt myself go hot as he said it making me blush.

"Thank you" I said to him, he gave me a slight nod and went back to his work. I turned and looked at Selena holding a bag out at me. She actually remembered my birthday.

"I thought you weren't going to remember?"

"I did you are my friend, just because I am hanging around with Zendaya more that doesn't mean that I will forget about our relationship" She said. I gave her a small smile and put the books down on the desk.

"Awwwwwww Sel" We hugged each other and I told her I was sorry as well.

"Isn't this nice" I heard Mr. Benson say, me and Selena laughed.

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