Chapter Ten: You're Undead to Me Part III

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Elena was in the quiet, nearly empty news station. Logan had let her look at some of the old archives from Mystic Falls. For some strange reason she couldn't stop thinking about that strange remark from the old man. That he had seen Stefan before.

There were just too many mysteries surrounding Stefan Salvatore. Elena wasn't sure if she even knew him. With trembling fingers she typed June 1953. An old video archive appeared as a reporter stood in front of the Salvatore boarding house.

"This is Franklin Fell reporting to you from the Salvatore boardinghouse where a brutal animal attack ended in tragedy. Oh, there is the nephew, let's see if we can get him to comment." The camera zoomed in clearly on Stefan's face.

Elena let out a gasp as she exited the station. That boy was Stefan. The old man hadn't been lying. But how was that possible, that incident had happened over fifty years ago, Stefan hasn't looked like he had aged at all.

With trembling legs she ran as fast as she could to the Salvatore house. Her mind racing as she remembered all the strangeness surrounding Stefan. The way that he had freaked out when he had seen her bloody knee, how he refused to take off his ring, how he healed so quickly.

What was that?

She knocked on the door and a surprised Stefan answered it, before Stefan could even get a word out she hissed. "What are you?"

Vicki Donovan and a couple of other boys were smoking joints in the cemetery, there were sleepy little smiles on their faces. "I have more in my car," Jason murmured. "Who is going to get them?"

"Donovan." Another guy whispered.

A chorus of "not it" filled the cemetery.

Vicki rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Fine, I'll go you big babies." Vicki walked towards the car and was just about to open the trunk when she saw Damon crouched down. "Whoa, man are you ok?"

"Come closer," Damon whispered.

Vicki helped him up. "I got you, don't worry."

"Thank you," and then Damon hungrily sunk his fangs into her neck.

"I'm a witch?" Holly frowned as she put her cup of coffee on the table. She, Bonnie, and Grams were in Grams' tiny living room with all kind of strange books and photo albums around. "You must be confused. I thought the witch was Bonnie."

A twitch of a smile appeared on Grams' face. "That does not mean that both of you can't be witches. The Bennett's have been withes for centuries, our bloodline is entirely made of witches that practice earth magic."

Holly squinted. "Like spells and potions and stuff."

Grams nodded slowly. "Something like that. This is called a grimore." She said as she placed the book in front of them so that they could see the strange readings. "Each witch has her own, but's it's passed down through generations. This is mine, this is Abby's, and this is your great grandmother's Hannah's grimore."

"Wow," Bonnie gasped as she ran a hand through the worn out pages. "So all my psychic predictions . . . all my strange little mishaps have been because I was born into a witch bloodline?"

Sheila nodded proudly. "That's right. Small, freaky little things like that happen sometimes, but that's your powers settling in, you need to learn how to control them, how to perform your own spells, and I'll help with that."

Bonnie and Sheila exchanged smiles.

Holly cleared her throat. "Excuse me, but I can't be a witch, there is just no possibility. I mean no one in my family has been witches. Does that mean that Elena and Jeremy are witches too?"

Grams frowned. "Witch bloodlines are tricky, you can never tell for sure they sometimes skip a few generations-or they are either too ashamed to admit that they are witches. Even though you and Elena are twins, I do not believe that Elena is a witch, I don't sense the same energy on her than I do on you."

"But how can I be a witch and she can't?"

"It's all in the genes, sweetheart." Grams squeezed her hand. "You have a gift. Embrace it."

Holly tried to hold back her sarcasm. "What kind of gift is this, it's a curse? I keep having nightmares, I move things, and I do things without wanting too. And I keep hearing these voices inside my head from who knows where without wanting too."

"Oh, no that's not good." She quickly explained when she saw Holly's panicked look on her face. "But it's not bad, either. The rest of the things you have been experiencing, can be controlled. The nightmares, the voices inside you head are the spirits trying to speak to you."

Bonnie and Holly exchanged looks. "How do I get them to stop?"

Grams hesitated before she said. "You don't I'm afraid, if the spirits want to communicate with you, they will continue trying to communicate with you. It is nothing to be afraid of." She handed her a grimore. "Don't be afraid, study, learn, and be proud of being a witch."

Holly's head was swarming with the newfound information as she closed the door. She was a witch. A Gilbert witch. The only one of her siblings. Fantastic. And not only that but she had a bunch of pissed off spirits that wanted to talk to her.

The grimore was heavy inside her bag as she pressed her body against the door. She was so tired.

"Holly, a little late to be out isn't it?" Jenna appeared at the doorway. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine I've just be hanging out with Bonnie. It won't happen again." Holly looked up at the stairway. "Where's Elena and Jeremy?"

"Elena went with Logan, something for some history project. Jeremy had a fight with Vicki so it's wise not to talk to him."

"Dully noted." Holly said as she walked up the stairs.

"Holly?" Jenna paused. "You know you can always talk to me if you have problems or something is bothering you, right?"

"Yeah," she blew her a kiss. "Thanks, Aunt Jenna. Good night."

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