Chapter 28 : Mr. Protective

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There are only a few more chapters left of this story! :)

I woke up in an empty bed. I knew I won't find Braden here, of course, but the disappointment is still present. I sigh and roll onto Braden's empty side. I close my eyes and inhale his scent still lingering there and when I open them again, I see a small, black box on my nightstand. I sit up in bed and take a closer look. That wasn't there last night. Looking closer, I also see a single red rose lying beside the box and also a small envelope with my name written across it.

I firstly pick the rose up and bring it to my nose, smiling while I inhale its scent. Then, I pick up the tiny vanilla envelope and open it. I pull out a folded paper and carefully read it.

Good morning, my darling.

If I can't be there with you physically, I at least wanted to give you something that'll put a smile on your beautiful face first thing in the morning.

Wear them with pride.

- B. C.

I look up, smiling hugely, my whole face flushes. I eagerly pick up the box and open it, but I almost drop it. Oh, God is my first thought. And the second, this must cost a whole fortune! Shining back at me are tiny little crystal earrings. They're simple, but at the same time so unique and they just scream luxury. I'm almost too afraid to take them out, let alone wear them.

I know the present is too much and I can't accept something so expensive when I don't even have money myself. But on the other hand, I love the earrings and I don't want to start a fight with Braden. My mum always told me I should accept gifts from others more freely. I guess she was right, but there's a part of me that still doesn't feel right. I think I'll just get Braden something and give it to him. That'll only be fair, right?

I send him a text. Thank u for the lovely present, ur mssg made me smile :)

Then I get ready for the day and prepare myself something to eat in a lonely flat. I look around, sighing to myself. I can't believe that in this time next week, I'll be working at this hour like every other normal person. And that's all because of Braden. God, how much I love him. He's like my personal God. I smile at the thought.


Later, I decide after lying around on the couch and have nothing to do, I go on the Internet, checking out how much money Braden has put on my bank account.

I almost choke on my spit when I see the amount. I immediately dial the bank and explain the mistake. ''Excuse me? I think there's been a mistake. Can you check again?'' I say for the fifth time already.

''No, miss, it seems everything's okay. There's currently five hundred thousand dollars on your bank account.''

I put my hand on my throat and massage it lightly because it suddenly feels too tight and it seems like I don't have enough air. Braden gave me a half a million dollars. It's not a big deal. Not at all. Jesus Christ, what am I going to do with that man?

''Well, okay ... Thank you for your help, sir.''

''You're welcome, miss.''

I end the call and put the phone down. I just rest my head back against the couch and massage my temples.

First those prestigious earrings and then this? He's helping me out with so many stuff right now in my life and I now more than ever feel like I don't deserve him in my life. He's too good for me. I literally have nothing to give him in return, other than my whole heart and all my love, but I don't think that's going to be enough in this case. I could sell my soul for him and I'd still be indebted to him.

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