Chp. 5 - Different States of Emotion

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After Cooper escorted me home, as he would put it, I was faced with two red faced parents and sister who hid in her room. 

"Do you like making us worry?" my father started, "Gone all summer without even a phone call or courier pigeon and then on your first day back, Cooper finds you sleeping in the middle of the forest" dad always knew how to break the ice on a tense situation, courier pigeon was a genius move, giving me a smile he embraced me, holding me until I was sure his scent was all over me.

"This isn't funny, Patrick" my mom screeched at him, 

"Calm down Laura, Lily is fine, no scratches or broken bones, she turns eighteen this year think you can loosen the reigns on your 'Keep Lily hidden in our basement' campaign?" she glared at dad while I tried to stifle a laugh, god I missed him so much, 

"Well while you two argue about my punishment or what not, I'm going to try and get some sleep before school tomorrow" I say heading towards the staircase, 

"Ok sweetie, let your lashes hug each other before the warden wakes to chain you to your bed" I just rolled my eyes while mom smacked his shoulder and took off ranting in the living room. I got the second floor and heard a noise, looking to my right I see Amber standing in her door frame, a short pink nightie just covered her ass. 

"I'm glad you're back" she said and I could tell it took a lot of courage on her part to say those words, I knew she was telling the truth. I nodded and turned away from her to hit the next flight of stairs, "Lily..." she started to say before I stopped her, 

"Not tonight Amber" I spoke sourly and I waited on the stairs until I heard her door shut and waited a bit longer, fighting a war inside myself, whether I should go and talk to her and just leave it be, eventually I made a decision and continued to climb the stairs to my room that used to be the attic. 

Stripping out of my clothes I collapsed onto my bed in just my bra and undies, I waited and waited for sleep to take me but it didn't. I could feel him, he wasn't asleep either, I could feel his worry, his worry for what I had no idea but he was worried and upset over something and I wanted to block it out but his emotions were really strong. 

My phone chimed, reaching for it I see I've been awake for two hours, 

"Hello?" I asked answering it, 

"If it isn't my little heart breaker" I heard the texan accent of my friend Cole come on the other end of the phone, 

"Cole, ohmigod I can't believe you called" I nearly screamed into the phone, 

"I knew you'd be awake" he could hear him smiling, 

"It's not from lack of trying" I groaned, sliding to the floor with my back against my bed, 

"So how was your first day?" he asked teasingly, he put on his childish voice and I couldn't help but laugh, 

"Try my first hour" I compained to him, "As soon as I saw him, his eyes, how hurt he looked. But it only lasted a couple of minutes before I left school." 

"You went to the spot didn't you?" I couldn't help but curse myself, I sat there silently and that gave him his answer, 

"Babe, to get back at him you have to do the unexpected, you can't keep reminising on what was, you have to focus on what is and what you must do to get back at him" Cole was making sense, I was loosing sight of I was meant to be doing. I was meant to be showing him he no longer has control over me and that the fates were wrong, we were wrong. 

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