Chapter 1 - PART 1 athazagoraphobia

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One year later.

The loud shrill of the school bell shook me out of my thoughts. I looked to my right to see my lab partner already walking out the door. 

Was I day dreaming all of science class? No, this can't be. It was probably just a very particularly boring class. 

Way to go! You're such a nerd.  my subconscious adds. 

No I'm not, I slept in class so hah. 

Yet you had to convince yourself why. 

Oh shut up. 

Gathering up my stuff, I left class in a hurry and joined the sea of people heading to the cafeteria. 

"Tay! Study group after school, wanna go?" my best friend, Ashlynn asked me at the lunch table.

"When do I not." I replied before chomping on the apple, the last thing left on my lunch tray.

What was that nerd?


Our study group always had the usual people, Ashlynn, myself and the two guys, Ray and Justin.

"Oh and by the way, Brad Symons is gonna be there." she said excitedly. 

My heart dropped to my stomach as my eyes widened in horror. 

"WHAT?" I exclaimed trying to maintain my cool.

What cool? lmao.

She just shrugged it off. Of course, she had no idea about any history between us, no one did. I could never bring myself to tell anyone about it. The words never escaped my lips, yet it constantly poisoned my tongue. 

"...since there's so few people and all so yeah." I caught Ashlynn's last words of her sentence.

"Wait what?"

She sighed exasperatedly, "Tay, you're here but your brain's overslept and still home." 

"It's nothing." I shrugged, a small smile etched upon my lips at her comment. 

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously but thankfully let it slide.

"Okay then, I guess see you at the library?" she smiled sympathetically.

I nodded.        

"WAIT LYNN!" I cried at her direction realising I hadn't heard the reason of why Brad was going to be there but she was too far to be of earshot, earning myself a few glares for my obnoxious loudness.

Sighing, my feet hastily walked out of the lunchroom dreading the study group meet. On my way to my next class -history, cue the groan- thoughts flooded into my head. Why would Brad be coming to the study group? Does he know I'm always there? 

Of course he knows I'm always there. But why would be come? Is he hoping I wouldn't be there?

AM I HOPING HE WOULDN'T BE THERE? Why am I overthinking this. It's just Brad.

Yeah the Brad who was your best friend, a total hottie and basically ditched you in the worst way possible, like taking out trash. my subconscious adds.

History, the only class of the day I share with Brad. I was seated at the front -just nerd things- and he sits all the way at the back with his gang, Colin, Hayes and Dylan. Along with him, they are the four bad boys of the school.

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