Chapter 5

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I woke up to someone yelling.

"Who the hell is in your bunk Corey!?" I heard someone shout.

I was completely confused. Until all the memories came rushing back.

I was running away with Slipknot.

Holy crap.

I sat up and looked around.

It was light outside.

I swung my legs over the side and hoisted myself up.

I snuck over to the lounge area, where Corey was sitting.

"Jim, let me explain-"

"Don't give me that Corey just tell me who she is and why she's in our tour bus!"

"Her name is Raven, I...kinda let her move in with us."

"Let who live with us?" Someone said who sounded like Chris.

"Corey has some girl sleeping in his bunk. He said he's letting her live with us." Jim snarled.

Chris raised eyebrow, "Is she your girlfriend or something?"

Corey shook his head, "No, she's...Twelve."

"You better have a great explanation for this Corey." Shawn said, walking out of the bunk area.

Corey sighed.

Soon, the rest of the guys crept out of their bunks.

"Why'd you tell her she could move in?" Joey asked.


"Because I needed a place to stay." I said stepping out from behind the doorway.

All eyes turned on me.

I took a deep breath.

"Don't blame Corey for this. If anyone should be blamed it should be me."

Corey's eyes widened.

"I went to your concert last night. Corey chose me to pick the last song. After the show, I took a walk with Corey and...told him about my past. And he said I could live with you guys." I explained slowly.

Jim rolled his eyes, "Don't you have a dad you can bother back at home and not Corey?"

Jim's words hit like a punch to the gut. Making my breath hitch.

I felt tears in the corner of my eyes.

I drew in a shaky breath.

"My dad?" I said, "He...he's dead."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. But my sadness turned into anger.

"And before you ask, yes I have a mother." I glared at Jim. "I thought it would be better to live with you guys instead of getting beat by my mother every day."

Jim looked shocked, but I continued.

"My father commited suicide basically in front of me. Since then, my mom would beat me and blame his death on me. I don't matter to anyone. According to my family I'm worthless, no good, and unimportant." Everyone looked shocked, especially Jim.

I hoped he felt bad. He deserved to.

"If I'm just too much for you guys then I'll go back to where I 'belong.'" I said turning my body away from them.

The room was silent.

All I heard was my shaky breathing.

I was just about to walk away,

But I was stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapping around me.

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