Chapter 25

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The initial shock of the pictures left both Harry and I quite distracted. He was dumbfounded, and quickly began to ask a series of questions that I knew he wasn't prepared to hear answers to. He paced around the room in a panic; my eyes followed him while frequently looking back to the photos still in my hand.

It was quite horrible to see such pictures. For one, this person, who I could easily guess was Mallory, had been keeping an eye on us for a long time, before all of this even started. But also, being handed a simple picture of me and those I cared for was frightening. It was all too personal, and that was Mallory's play. He'd invaded every single aspect of our lives, and it would leave us vulnerable and end us. Or at least, me.

Down the hall, I heard Louis' soft cough pick up again and knew that he was waking up. Harry noticed and also stopped pacing through the living room. The pictures were still in my left hand, but in my right was the small little tube, containing the last bit left of Louis' real life-saver. He needed it now.

I started to head towards the bedroom and Harry followed behind. When I got to Louis, he was in the same position as before: hunched over with a grimace on his face. He didn't even seem to notice we'd come in until I sat down right up against him. Holding the tube, I didn't even know what to do with the blue liquid inside. I looked to Harry for some help, and he quickly began to rummage through his pockets. He pulled a small needle out, and upon its sight I quickly moved out of the way.

"Hey, I'm squeamish, you do it, please? You're the girlfriend." Harry tried to push the syringe toward me, but I walked away. Wasn't he the doctor or whatever? Plus, if I screwed up, I didn't want to get blamed for it. "Me?! I don't know what to do with this!" I shouted back at him. He rolled his eyes as Louis groaned from behind us. It was a good thing he was distracted or else he'd be yelling at the both of us too.

"Just stick it in his arm. Avoid veins. It's not that hard, just hurry up." Harry spoke quickly as he loaded the syringe with the liquid. You could barely see it, there was so little of it left. I sighed as he held it out to me, and I took it reluctantly.

"As far as first impressions go, you kind of suck, Harry." I said as I sat back down next to Louis. He laughed quietly from the threshold as Louis and I were on the other side of the room. I grabbed Louis left arm and found what seemed to be suitable place, and then quickly injected the serum before either Harry or I could freak out.

It took some time, but as he lay beside me, I could tell that the side effects were disappearing. His fever was going away and he could breathe much better. He was also more aware of his surroundings, but soon feel exhausted and I had to have Harry help me get him back up to his bed. Soon enough, he was back asleep. But at least this time, Harry and I could both relax a little.

We left Louis alone. Heading back out into the living room, I picked up the pictures and threw them in a trash can. It was creepy and disturbing, but it wasn't a very good distraction when it came to Louis' health. And it certainly didn't matter now. I was more angry that I had to stab my boyfriend than anything. Stupid Harry.

"So, where are you from?" I turned to see Harry laid out on Louis' sofa, making the place his home while looking up at me with a slight smile. I narrowed my eyes as he continued to smile, and I suddenly realized why he and Louis were best friends. "Are you seriously doing this right now?" I asked, my voice monotone. I tried to be somewhat quiet so that Louis could sleep in the next room over.

Harry swung his arms out dramatically, "Hey, you said that this was a bad first impression. I'm trying to make it better." he slid his legs off from the couch and made room for me, patting the space beside him and looking up at me kindly. I figured it couldn't do any harm.

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