Chapter 2

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The night was over, the morning began. We, Nate and I, were walking to his car.

"Nate," I say timidly, "Why do you like me?" I spring the question everybody wants to ask.

"Well, Nan, you're smart, and funny, and nice. You make everyone smile. You're witty and sarcastic. You're everything that I love." Nate speaks with emotion in his voice.

My eyes well up slightly, "Really?"

"Really." He smiles, "And that reminds me..."

I gaze at him with confusion. "Nanifin Grinshire, we have been together for two years now. And they've been the best years of my life. I love you with all my heart and self." He gets down on one knee, I gasp as he pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket, "Will you do me the honor or being my wife?"

I begin to cry and blubber from emotion. Finally, I manage to say, "Yes."

He puts the ring on my finger, a beautiful silver band with a small diamond in crusted in it. I fling my arms around him and kiss him in the lips, "I love you too," I whisper.

We stand there, with me in his arms for a short while. Eventually, I say, "I need to go home now. I have work in the morning."

He smiles and gazes at me with regret, "Do you have to?" he asked with a fake whine in his voice.

I sigh, "Yes... If we're getting married, then I'll need to make enough money to help pay for the wedding." I pull away, "I can walk home, my apartment's just around the corner."

"I know," Nate hesitates, "Just promise me you'll be careful. There have been a lot of rape reports at night."

"I promise."

I begin to walk home, thinking dreamily about our future wedding and family. We live in New York City, so there is a lot of crime around. I keep an eye on the alleys that I pass. When I near my apartment building, I lower my guard and begin to walk faster. Suddenly, I hear a horrendous thunk and feel a sharp pain in my head. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I pass out.

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