Chapter 10: It's official...That boy is Devil Spawn!

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*Kate's POV*

I never was, never have and never will be a morning person. Add that to a hangover and it really redefines the meaning of 'not-a-morning-person'. I was a dead person and the bed was my grave. All that said, why was I up at this unholy hour? Something hard, heavy and hot (A/N: No pun intended!) was pinning down, making me sweaty and uncomfortable. So I did the only thing that I could. I pushed the said thing off of the bed.

"What in the f*cking world!?" A voice protested, sending a jolt of pain through my head. Exactly how much did I have to drink last night!?

"What the f*ck did you do that for!?" The voice screamed again making me groan.

"Shut the f*ck up! I'm trying to sleep." I screamed back as vague flashes of last nights events came to me. I scrunched my eyebrows in irritation as a sound of scuffling echoed everywhere. The bed sunk suddenly as the sound of heave breathing filled my ear.


"JESUS F*CKING CHRIST!" I shot up from my position on the bed, my head spinning. I took a moment to orient myself as loud laughter ricocheted off the walls. My vision focused to see something I never thought I would. I was naked in bed with Adrian f*cking Dawson. I tossed myself back onto the bed and shut my eyes, as every vague detail gained clarity in my memory. I had slept with the moron and I had loved it.

"CAN YOU KEEP IT DOWN YOU INSOLENT FOOL! I AM F*CKING HUNGOVER!" I screamed at the said moron. Rubbing my head and reflecting on the events of last night, a tornado of thoughts ran through my mind. I remembered dancing with him before the alcohol induced heat has us going at each other like there was no tomorrow. As much as the boy got on my every last nerve, I had to admit, he knew what he was doing in the bedroom department. Which brings me to the next point.

Did I enjoy it? Hell yes.

Was it worth it? I don't know.

Do I regret it? Maybe.

Would I do it again? Yes. Oh f*ck yes!

It may be foolish or stupid even, but there was no denying the satiation he could provide my libido.

"YOU WOULDN'T BE HUNG OVER IF YOU HAD LISTENED TO ME YOU STUPID B*TCH!" I vaguely remembered him trying to take away a bottle of vodka from me. Ah, screw it! My sleep was long gone and wasn't going to come back anytime soon. Might as get out of bed and figure out what to do.

With a groan I opened my eyes a crack and sat up holding the sheets against my chest.

"Why are you hiding? Nothing I haven't already seen." I could hear Adrian's smirk in those words and on another day I would have smacked him hard enough to make him cry for his mummy, but right now I wasn't in the mood.

"Just shut up and find your clothes." I dismissed, daring to open my eyes fully. The light flooding into the room seemed too bright and only added to the pounding in my head. I could feel today was going to be a long, long day. Now where was my phone? I found it by the pillow. 32 missed calls and 53 texts.

"Oh crap! I'm screwed! Get your ass up and get me home!" I scrambled out of the bed and looked for my costume, simultaneously chucking whatever pieces of clothing of Adrian's I found to him.

"And why the f*ck would I do that?" He taunted. Two can play at that game.

"Because," I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me, "I was, I quote, the best f*ck ever. SO if you want any more of that f*cking, you'll do, Exactly. What. I. Say. " If his sharp intake of breath was anything to go by, I affected him in the way I intended to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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