An Android, Archer and Angry Clone

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METROPOLIS - November 12th


The whole Team flew at each other, but Superboy leaped over them all, slamming his rock-hard fist into Desmond's face.

The force of Superboy's punch was so great that when the roof shook, it seemed like everyone was moving in slow motion.

After this state of motionlessness, a large ripple of air tore through the concrete and gravel below them, cracking and fragmenting the roof into large blocks of distorted concrete.

The force from Superboy's punch made Desmond tear through the metal fence around the roof's edge and crashing into the streets below, sending up concrete dust all over the street.

"You're MINE!!" Superboy roared.

But before he could fly at Desmond, Superman caught him and threw him backwards.

"Calm down, Connor!!" he snapped at Superboy.

But before Superman could say another word, AMAZO back handed him several feet back, flying further back then Desmond did and straight through three buildings.

AMAZO then looked down towards Artemis, who had her bow aimed at it's neck.

"Artemis!" Kid Flash called out.

But before he could reach her, AMAZO slammed it's arm into her, knocking her off the building.

Without consideration for his own safety, Kid Flash leapt after her, with AMAZO in pursuit.

Kid Flash reached his hand out to her, the wind whipping around them making him feel like he was being pulled back by ropes.

He finally caught her, but AMAZO slammed it's mechanical fist into the ground just behind Kid Flash's right foot, barely missing his tendon.

Kid Flash quickly pulled Artemis close to him and bounced across the metal and glass fragments that exploded from AMAZO's attack, until he made one desperate leap for the building across from them.

He made the jump, but his ankle hit the edge of the building's air conditioning machine and made him roll along the gravel with loud grunts of pain.

But Artemis was unharmed and that was all he cared about.

"You OK?" he asked Artemis, who was already upright and dusting herself off.

She nodded and helped him up with a cry of effort.

"Come one..." she said. "We need to stop Desmond!"

"NO!" a voice cried out.

They looked up to see Flash land on the ground in front of them.

"We need to try and find a non-violent solution to this! You guys can't just kill Desmond!"

Kid Flash looked at his uncle accusingly.

"What else can we do?!" he yelled. "The guy is practically unstoppable! If we hurt him, then he'll just heal and come back to kill us!"

"He's not trying to kill you, he's trying to kill the League!"

Artemis scoffed as she drew her bow.

"Try and tell that to Megan!!"

Suddenly, a beam of energy flew past Kid Flash and hit Flash straight in the chest, knocking him back into the metal air conditioning unit, leaving a huge dent on it.

His costume had smoke rising from it.

Artemis ran to help him up, but a coil whipped around her legs stopping her from moving.

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