Chapter 4

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         “It’s seriously no big deal, Jessie.” Avalon leans against one of the trees staring at me with expressionless eyes. I remember her being really mad last night, and wonder if it had anything to do with Phoenix and Sky hooking up. I am sure she just puts on a brave face so no one sees how hurt she really is.

         “What happened last night?” I ask, careful not to set her off again like last night when I saw the scar on her arm. It looked pretty fresh, not like old scars; even in the dim lighting it looked pink. Something had definitely happened to her last night and I want to know what.

         “Nothing.” Avalon’s stare turn hard and I automatically take a step back. “You really have to keep your nose out of things that aren’t your business.” Her sneer is menacing, I haven’t known her long, but I never thought such a sound could come from her. She turns her icy glare from me and towards Taurus. I notice her eyes softening. Something weird is going on in that house, and I want to know what it is.

         “I know you’re more upset than you lead on, I saw you on the verge of crying last night. Please don’t lie to me I want to help you.”

Her head turns in my direction again, “Why?” I’m surprised with how much anger and sadness she can put into that one word.

         “Because I’m your friend.” I say and for a split-second I see sorrow in her eyes, but it disappears immediately again.

         “Just stay out of this, Jessica! You can’t do anything for me! What’s done is done, and no one can do anything about it!” she shouts before storming off into the trees. I stand still in shock from her outburst. What does she mean with that? What’s done is done. Of course it could mean Phoenix cheating on her, what’s done is done. But I have a feeling that wasn’t what she meant. I consider running after her, but I am a little terrified of her at the moment, and she probably just wants to be alone right now. I shake my head and with one last glance at Taurus I start towards the cafeteria. I realize I haven’t eaten anything yet, and my stomach growls to prove it.

I don’t get why Avalon won’t let me see how sad she actually is, it’s like she has put on an emotionless mask. I don’t believe for a second that she’s not sad about Phoenix being with Sky, even if it has happened a bunch of other times. She should at least be angry with him, but nothing! No emotions, just a cold, stone surface. But I broke through it. If only for a second, she showed her true emotions. That’s how I know how sad she is.

A sound behind me tears me from my train of thought and I turn around just in time to see a deer running straight towards me. With seconds to spare I jump back to avoid the animal. What’s with this campus? Why are there so many animals everywhere? Deer, wolves, it won’t surprise me if I see a bear one day as well. I stare at the deer until it’s out of my sight and then with a little hesitation I begin walking again. When I make it to the cafeteria I see Faye reading alone at a table and after I get a sandwich, I join her at the table.

         “Did you tell her?” she asks without looking up from her book. I swear I have never met a girl who reads as much as Faye, she’s almost halfway through Silver Linings Playbook and I know she just started that one this morning. I’ve read that one too, and I really liked it.

         “Yes, but she tried to make me believe she didn’t care.” I say before I take a bite of my sandwich.

         “Maybe she just doesn’t care.” Faye snorts, still without looking up. She doesn’t get it; she didn’t see Avalon’s face.

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