Chapter Sixteen: 162 Candles Part I

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Holly's stomach was still feeling a bit unsettled the next morning as her, Jeremy, Jenna, Stefan, Matt, and Elena exited the police station. They had been called in for questioning by Sherriff Forbes trying to find out any information she could about Vicki since she was "missing."

Holly tried to forget the fact that she had been the one to murder Vicki in cold blood (or as Damon and Stefan insisted in self-defense) and now her body was rotting in the forest. Elena and Stefan had sailed perfectly through the questioning, Jeremy had been compelled so he had answered the questions truthfully, only Holly had been so nervous that Liz had asked her twice if she was ok.

Now Holly was just glad that she was outside, getting some fresh air. She watched as Matt angrily got into his truck and sighed.

"We're going home." Jenna said motioning to Jeremy and herself. "Are you three going to be ok?"

Elena nodded. "We'll be fine, Aunt Jenna."

"I'm going to be a little late tonight." Holly reminded her. "I start my job today at the Grill." Holly had been interviewed and had just become the newest waitress at the Grill. She hoped that would keep her mind off things.

Aunt Jenna nodded as she and Jeremy walked to the car. "Good luck."

The twins and Stefan watched as Jeremy and Jenna drove off. Stefan looked concerned at Elena. "Are you ok?"

"Not really." Elena lowered her voice. "But I don't think the Sheriff suspected a thing."

"Yeah right. I kept twitching every five seconds."

"She probably thinks you were shaken up because of Vicki, ever since school started its been one funeral after another." She turned to Stefan. "Except, I can't do this Stefan, not anymore. I can't keep looking at Jeremy and Matt and not tell them that Vicki is never going to come back. It's just. . . it's too much."

"Then let's go talk."

Elena shook her head as she started walking in the opposite direction. "Just leave me alone, Stefan."

Stefan sighed as both he and Holly watched Elena walk away. Holly patted his shoulder. "She'll warm up to the idea, Stefan. She's gotten used to the idea that her twin and best friend are witches."

Stefan gave her a sad little smile. "I doubt it, it's different. You're her sister and you won't kill her."

"You and Damon are brothers are you don't exactly have a picture perfect relationship." She lowered her voice. "And we both know that I am capable of murder."


"Happy birthday, Stefan." Holly interrupted him.

Stefan looked pleasantly surprise. "How did you know?"

Holly pulled out her phone and showed him a text. "Damon texted me this morning to remind me, one nervous breakdown and he suddenly thinks we're friends." She smiled. "Just have a good birthday, ok?"

Holly was walking up the stairs after her first shift at the Grill had ended, she had only worked a couple of hours since it had been a sort of test run but she thought she had done ok. She was going to go to her room and shower when she heard double giggling coming from Elena's room.

Holly peered curiously and saw Bonne levitating some feathers coming out of one of Elena's pillows. Elena looked so surprise and so happy. "Oh, wow this is amazing."

Bonnie stopped levitating when she saw Holly frowning through the doorway. "Hi, Bonnie I didn't realize you were here."

"I just came to cheer, Elena up." Bonnie explained. "Break up and all."

"Yeah, I know. Caroline just called me, she's having a birthday party for Stefan at the Grill tonight in case you want to go. I'm going to go shower."

Elena followed Holly into her bedroom. She frowned. "Is something wrong? Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset." Holly responded tightly.

"Yes, you are why don't you tell me why?"

Holly sighed. "Look, I know this is going to sound really childish but, I just can't believe you right now. I tell you that I'm a witch and you can't even look at me, but Bonnie tells you and you practically throw a parade. I guess, I'm just wondering why it was easier for you to support her and not me."

Elena blushed. "I'm sorry, Holly-it's just I guess that with Bonnie it is easier, I mean I'm related to you, it's harder. But I'm ok with you being a witch now."

Holly shook her head. "Whatever. Just do me a favor and be nice to Stefan, it's his birthday and you weren't exactly nice to him this morning."

Elena nodded. "I'll go talk to him."

Elena knocked on the door of the Salvatore estate, trying to put a brave smile on her face.

"It's open!" a woman's voice called out.

Confused, Elena pushed the door open and came face to face with a blond woman wrapped in a towel. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Lexi. A friend of Stefan's." Lexi gaped. "Stefan is in the shower, do you want to wait?"

Elena shook her head weakly. "No, thanks. I need to go."

As soon as she closed the door, Lexi raced towards Stefan's bedroom and showed him the picture of Katherine that had been on his desk. "Are you out of your mind?"

"It's not what you think." Stefan insisted. "She's not Katherine."

"You could have fooled me, they could be twins."

Stefan smiled.

"This is far from a laughing matter."

"I know. It's just your comment is ironic" Stefan said. "Because Elena, that's her name does have a twin sister named Holly. Holly is a witch, you'll probably meet her later."

Lexi whistled as she shook her head. "A Katherine look alike and her twin who is a witch. You just like trouble, don't you?"

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