Smoking and Lying Why?

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Liam: Zayn!!!

Zayn: yes Liam?

Liam: get your arse upstairs in my bedroom now

Zayn: what? Li

Liam: now!

Zayn: ugg coming (trudges up in his room) what

Liam: (was beyond furious) what are these shoves the cigarettes in his stomach

Zayn: cigarettes... Who are these? I swear if it's Harry or Niall they will be bruised really badly

Liam: (yelling) there not the boys

Zayn: (flinches) calm down Li

Liam: don't tell me to calm down or I will bruise your bottom

Zayn: what?

Liam: Zayn I found these on your bed

Zayn: (shocked) wait... What?

Liam: Zayn didn't I tell you if I caught the cigarettes near you or you involving them I will hold you over my knee

Zayn: Liam I haven't smoked  over a month and you can't be serious

Liam: well I am bend over

Zayn: what?

Liam: now!

Zayn:(bends over) Li

Liam: I don't want to hear it (takes off his belt and pulls his trousers and boxers down and starts landing smacks)

(Five minutes later he was still going)

Zayn: (crying while stuttering) how many more I can't take anymore

Liam: well you should have thought about that before smoking and lying

Zayn: ugg its hurts

Liam: good you need to learn your lesson (smacks his sits spots)

Zayn: yells really loud

(Meanwhile in Harry's room)

Harry: so Zayn's crying and yelling

Niall: umm

Zayn: ahh Liam it hurts too much enough!

Harry: tell them the truth

Niall: idk

Harry: (smacks his face) tell him or I will smack you harder

Niall: oww! But

Harry: (lifts his hand up)

Niall: (sighs and goes to Liam's room, walks in)

Liam: Niall get out of the room

Niall: Lili plz I think he had enough

Liam: just go

Niall: (walks toward the bed and holds out his hand for Zayn)

Zayn: Ni baby you should be leaving

Niall: (gives him a puppy dog face)

Zayn: (try's to smile and holds his hand) I love you soo much

Niall: (crying on Zayn's hand)

Zayn: baby shh why are you crying (rubs his back) Ni what's wrong (concerned)

Niall: you will hate me

Liam: (stops spanking him) Ni baby cakes we will never ever hate you

Niall: but I...

Zayn: you what (sits on the bed gently) ahh!

Niall: I umm... Umm

Zayn: (kinda of sternly) you what

Niall: (whispers) bought the cigarettes

Zayn: you what?!!

Niall: (more louder) I bought the cigarettes but I only smoke one I put it Zayn's room because he spanked me really hard that one day it hurt and I'm sorry (looks at the ground)

Zayn & Liam: what!!!

Zayn: you are in soo much trouble mister

Niall: (looks at the ground)

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