Chapter 4

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I slowly opened my eyes and let out a jaw cracking yawn. I stayed still and listened to the morning, the birds sang outside just like they did everyday. Like everything was perfect, that I didn't almost get raped last night, or that i didn't see my teacher/ stalker shoot himself, or after seeing whatever the hell it was that I saw with Ben. Nope it was just a regular, old, chirpy-fucking-morning.

"Chirp,chirp mother fuckers." I  groaned throwing an arm over my eyes, almost on cue a bird landed right outside my window and started singing it's lungs out. I made a very unattractive sound at the back of my throat and rolled out of bed. I caught myself before I could somersault right into the door and cause yet another complication in my life. Standing up I yanked the door open and saw Brendan making waffles in the kitchen. I walked down the stairs and sat on the counter, peeking at the mixing bowl I saw that he had put chocolate chips in it.  

He turned around and smiled at me, "Good morning Miam."

I managed a small smile, "Morning."

"So what do you want to do today? I'm all yours." He asked pouring the last of the batter into the waffle iron and closing it.

"I don't know, but first things first I am going to eat these waffles," I stated grabbing the plate that had at least four waffles on it. "Then I will take a shower and worry about what to do after that."

"Let's dig in then." He said grabbing the first waffle off of my stack.

Seven waffles,half a tub of butter, and a bottle of maple syrup later Bre and I were bloatedly lounging on the couch contemplating on weather or not to split the last waffle. "Well, we can always put it in the fridge and save it for later." Bre suggested.

"No, then it will be all alone." I sighed.

He turned to me and laughed, "Only you would be concerned about the waffles feelings. What about all the waffles we just ate? We basically murdered them."

"I think they wanted to be eaten, they're waffles..." I  trailed off. "Plus if I was to be eaten, I would want to do it with friends." I finished patting my stomach.

"Mmhm. Well you have fun trying to stuff that" he pointed to the waffle, "into whats left of your stomach." he pointed to my abdomen.

Picking up the fork I stabbed a piece and lifted it it up. I stared at it for a moment before putting it down again, the thought of eating another waffle made me want to barf. Bre watched me patiently, putting his elbows on the table he leaned forward with his head in his hands. I stood up, "It can die alone." I said before walking away.

I heard him laughing as I grabbed my clothes for my shower. Happily ridding myself of the clothes I had been in since yesterday morning, I cranked up the water till it was almost boiling and climbed in. I stood there for a moment letting the water and steam soothe me. I was so excited about spend time with Bre today! It is really going to help take my mind off of....what happen last night. I wonder if there is a blood stain on the grass from when McCartney- "NO!" I said to myself outloud, "I am NOT thinking about that!"

I got paranoid that I was being watched or something. For some reason taking a shower was the worst place to be attacked, like being naked had an effect on your strength or something, Which was completely stupid....but I didn't want to be the one to test it. I rushed threw the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Stepping out of the bathroom I peeked in the living room to see that Bre was gone. The dishes from our breakfast were still there, which was weird since he hate messes. I backed up a bit  and backed right into someone.

I jumped three feet in the air started screaming bloody murder. I turned around just as the person grabbed my shoulders, holding me in place. "Miam! Calm down, it's just me!" I l opened my eyes to see Brendan staring at me with a bewildered look. "I heard you talking to yourself in the shower and came to see what was wrong." he sounded worried.

I let out a sigh and steadied my breathing, "Bre" I moaned and head butted his chest, letting my head rest there I stared down at his feet, "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry I was just worried about you, that you might start....well you know, again." He explained hugging me. 

"It's okay, and no. You know I woulnd't start that again." I sighed.

"I know, but after what happened last night, I wasn't sure..." 

God he cared about me more than I did, "Don't worry I won't. Now can we finish this after I get dressed?"

", sure." He said backing away, "I'll go take care of that." he said eyeing the mess in the kitchen. He kissed my head and set off.

I walked into my room and shut the door. Letting my towel drop I lazily kicked it near my hamper and set off finding clothes. I pulled on some stripped underwear and a matching bra ,then, knowing I would be doing nothing outside the house, I slipped into some sweatpants. I looked around and settled on an old Kiss tee, just as I was pulling it on my phone went off, alerting me of an email. Of course that wasn't what scared me, my ring tone had to be that crazy four note song they always play when someone is getting stabbed in the shower in a cheesy horror film. I fumbled around in my shirt for a few seconds before successfully pulling it over my head.

I quickly grabbed my phone and checked it, it was an e-mail from I didn't think they sent emails. Anyway it was inviting me to get on their site, I figured whats the harm? I always liked trolling the robots there anyway. I quickly sat at my computer and typed in the address, I wasn't in the mood to really put thought into this so I just typed:


BOT: Greetings, how are you today?

Good, you?

BOT: Interesting, I am sitting in a field.

Cool, whats your name?

BOT: Ben, Miam, it is still Ben. You got my e-mail I take it?

I just stared at the screen for a moment. Unable to move my eyes darted to my window, which of course was wide open.  They darted back to the screen we another message popped up below that one.

BOT: You know Kiss is a really good band...and strips are very flattering.

I slammed my laptop closed and jumped out of my chair, sticking my head out of the window, which was facing a field, I scanned it.On the very edge of the field was a small figure in green running towards the railroad tracks. But just before it reached the tunnel, the figure turned around and waved. I blinked and just like that it was gone. I yelped, holding back and scream slamming the window shut I yanked the curtains into place, but not before the faint sound of laughter drifted into my room.


PS: Questionnaire! 

Who is your favorite character and why?

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