My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 74

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Part 74

 Make sure to check out Always Alone another new story by me, I gareentee it won't disappoint you, or I hope not. 

I woke up the next day, realizing that it about 6 days everything would fall apart. I think it was Sunday; I couldn’t keep track of time anymore. I was beginning to panic before Alec and the rest of the house could even think about waking up. I decided to go outside and get some fresh air, because the realization hit me hard and left my head fogged up. I changed into something ok looking and went outside without disturbing anyone.

I went down the mountain a little, making sure to keep track of where I was, so as not to get lost. I was enjoying my time here out in the woods; the noises of the forest were calming me, making all my thoughts of my birthday disappear. That peace, however, was disturbed, by me, or my wolf to be more precise.

‘Sorry, Alex, but I just can’t let you get distracted. We’ve got to figure out what we’re going to do for our birthday’ came my wolf’s voice inside my head.

‘What am I suppose to do? There’s nothing we can do!! Anyway, shouldn’t you have thought about talking to me before this? I mean we’ve got like 6 days now! You’re a little late’ I yelled at myself.

‘I was going to get you alone first to talk to you but you were hardly alone, and I was going to talk to yesterday but Alec took you on a date so I didn’t want to disturb, and he said not to talk about that. I made my mind to talk to you today, whether we were alone or not and I just found the chance.’ My wolf explained.

‘Well there still isn’t anything we can do. All this evil or good is going to take over us, without our consent.’ I said.

‘No one ever tells us everything, Alex. I’m sure there’s something they haven’t told us yet. You have the same feeling, don’t you? That they’re all hiding something from us?’ My wolf voiced my thoughts.

‘Yeah I have been feeling that, but I know that whatever they’re hiding from us is for a reason. They’ve always told us stuff when we need it, or if we were supposed to find out at this time. It’s all set in stone, even if we don’t think so.’ I thought to her.

‘Maybe, but can’t you ask them? Please? I mean maybe they’re waiting for you to ask? Remember they never outright gave you any information until you demanded it.’

She had a point. No one ever told it to us straight, I would have to demand, get angry or throw a fit before someone finally told me filled me in and I was back in the loop.

‘Ok, I’ll ask. Who knows? Maybe that’s why they haven’t told me. It might also save me.’ I decided.

‘That’s all I needed to talk to you about. You can go back to your quiet and peace.’ My wolf disappeared inside my head.

I went back to serenity, and walked around the forest for a bit. I realized the sun was finally up, and I realized everyone must be awake now. I started making my way back to the cottage and when I reached it, I went inside to see Marie and Daniel at the doorway, panicked.

“Alex!!” They yelled, worried.

“What? What happened? What’s wrong?” I asked, instantly panicked myself

“Where have you been?! Alec woke up to see his bed empty with no note or anything saying you had gone out and he panicked! He woke up everyone and set a search party out to look for you!! He also couldn’t get you telepathically, so he thought you were dead or that someone had stolen you again!! Don’t make us worry like that!!” Marie scolded.

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