Chapter 8 - Chasing ghosts

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With one hand I held a single white rose, in the other I held my umbrella. Rain was pouring down hard, I guess it suited the occasion. I walked, unsteadily, to Tina. I wasn't quite sure if it was because of shock or just because I could never walk straight in heels. It was closed coffin, I had no idea what happened to her. No one did. Her parents were so inconsolable, they had to leave. Her grandparents stayed.

I placed my rose on top of her coffin and watched as it slowly lowered into the ground. I stared as men I didn't know began shovelling dirt on top of her and I realized I was crying. Crying for the same girl whom had made her mission in life to make mine miserable, crying for the same girl whom had cried on my shoulder when I found her in the girls toilets at school,crying for the same girl that might have been murdered by my best friend.

I turned and pushed through the crowd of mourners, I had to get away. I started to run and I just kept running. Soon my legs buckled beneath me and I fell into darkness.



I opened my eyes to see Tina standing over me. It couldn't be. It was impossible.

"What? How?"

She hesitated and turned and began to sprint away.


I got up and began to chase her. I don't know how long we ran but soon we were in the city. Everytime I was close enough to grab her, she'd slip away. My legs were aching and I couldn't breathe but a part of me just wanted to keep going. I had to. Finally she ran down an alley I was sure was a dead end. I followed slowly, trying to calm my breathing down.


But as I stared down the narrow alley, the one she couldn't have possibly gotten out of without passing me, I saw that she was gone.


"Where the hell are you?" My mother screamed through my phone.

I held the phone a distant from my ear. She was definitely in a bad mood. I leaned again the inside of the phone booth and stared at the shadowed people walking through the poorly lit street. It was dark out now and I must have dropped my cell while I was chasing Tina.

But it couldn't have been Tina. She was-dead.

"Andrea Maree Chen, you tell me where you are right now!"

"I'm downtown. I thought-"

"You thought what?!"

"Ya know what? I think I'll walk home. See you soon."

"Andy, don't you dare hang-"

I slammed the phone down on the receiver and stepped out into the cold night air. I shivered and began the long trek home. The air was crisp and smelt of gasoline and cigarettes. I took extra precautions, making sure to keep to the paths lit up by lousy street lights and ignoring any figure that tried to talk to me. The low buzz of traffic soon died down to a deafening silence and I felt my heart beat faster with fear.

"Hey girly!"

I heard the loud steps of sneakers hitting pavement and I began to run. M y legs were still sore from my last chase. I should of just waited for my mum to pick me up but no.

"Wait up, we're not gonna hurt ya!"

The mocking tone in his voice made my stomach churn. I didn't dare look back. I turned down an empty street and cut through a short alleyway, hoping to lose them. As I turned to see the distance between us I felt someones arms embrace me.

"No!" I shrieked, my voice shaken.

I struggled to break free from his grasp but his hold tightened. He began to laugh as he dragged me towards his car. I screamed and he covered my mouth with his hand. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. I flailed my arms and kicked my legs, my last attempt at getting him to let go. Then I felt the icy touch of metal against the side of my head.

"You better cut that out right now, missy. Or you will regret it."

There was no dark humour in his voice now. Just evil. I gave up and let him drag me towards his car, the tears streaming down my face. I shut my eyes and prayed it would all just stop.

"Let her go!"

"Piss off boy, this ain't none of your business!"

"Actually it is. Now let her go or you will regret it."

The figure holding me erupted in laughter. I felt his grip loosen and I was thrown to the ground. My head throbbed with pain, the sounds of their fight sounded so distant. I couldn't make out what they were saying but the tone was apparent. Then I heard a gun shot.

I felt someone pick me up and I struggled again. I tried to scream but someone put their hand over my mouth.

"It's alright, Ands. It's me."

I relaxed instantly and let him carry me home.

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