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"Don't worry. I'll let no one bring any harm to you..Because..I love you.(F/n)" a white haired male said holding your hands. "Oh Kaneki-kun..your so cool!" You chirped. "I will come back. I promise." He let go of your hands and left to protect you from the other Ghouls. A few moments later, he came back and picked you up bridle style. "Oh, Kaneki-kun.." You blushed. "(F/n)-san.."He blushed too and slowly leaned in...

"HEY!!! WAKE UP BAKA!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" An angry voice woke you from your nap. "Yaaaawwwnnn~~ and I was having such a good dream" You realized you phone was vibrating and screaming. "What the hell?" You said about to pick it up from where you left it on the desk, but it fell over on the floor. "Ow....." a voice said as it hit the ground. "Huh?! D-did my phone just say 'Ow'?" You bent over to pic it up and turned on the screen to see a shocking surprise. An angry looking white haired male staring at you with his arms crossed. "W-WHA?!?! K-kaneki?!" You were even more shocked when he started moving. "Yeah, Hi. Do you mind getting me out of here now?!" He said annoyingly. You screamed and dropped your phone, knowing that this wasn't normal. "And can you please stop dropping me!!" He yelled.

"B-but how are you in there? Are you real?" You asked picking your phone up again. "How should I know? The last thing I remember is that I was sitting on my couch and reading one of my dad's old books. Next thing I know, I wake up in here." You listened to his side of the story. "So can you let me out, please? I'd like to go home." He said calming down. "But..I don't know how." You said. "Try breaking the screen. I should be able to exit then." Kaneki suggested. "Wha?! No way! I paid a lot of money for this phone!" You said not wanting to break your expensive phone. "Then how am I supposed to get home?!" Kaneki argued. "I don't know! Can't we find a different way to get you out with out breaking my phone? " You asked.

"Fine, we'll find a different way--why am I vibrating?" Kaneki said looking at his hands as they shook back and forth. "Oh, the battery is almost dead. It will stop when I plug my phone into the charger." You explained. You pulled up your charger cord and Kaneki had a very uneasy look on his face. You placed it at the charging port and put half of it in, but then took it out when Kaneki made an unusual noise. "What was that?" You asked. "N-nothing..!! Just plug it in already..I'm starting to feel a little weak.." he said. A blush appeared on his face when I plugged it in . Kaneki made a groaning sound and started breathing hard. "Whoa! Are you getting off on this?!" I asked. "I can't help it! ...(... It feels like I'm being penetrated.....) " Kaneki said quitely so you wouldn't hear. You just plugged it all the way in and he made a moaning sound and quickly covered his mouth. "Hm?" You said looking over to him.

You just shrugged it off and stepped away from your room to get a glass of water. " So, I don't really know how we're" you looked over to your phone to see Kaneki, sleeping in the middle of your screen. "..Kawaii~~!" You blushed at his cuteness. "I guess when he's charging, he'll sleep. I wonder..if I let him out, he'll leave and I'll probably never see him again. But, if he stays in the just might work!" You said loudly. Kaneki changed sides at your sudden loud voice. You whispered "Opps" to your self and tapped your screen. "Can I actually still make calls and text, and play my games?" You wondered. It looked like no matter where you tapped, Kaneki could feel it and it made him squirm around but never wake up. You just sighed and lightly placed your finger on his head and rubbed it out of curiosity. Kaneki ' hair shifted and he gave a small smile and he became warmer. As you kept rubbing his head, his hair color seemed to change to black. His clothes changed, too.

He had his normal blue jacket on with plane pants and the white eye patch. "This must mean he's calm." You said looking at his new appearance. "The screen is so fragile. What if he gets out sooner then we expect.." I thought to myself. After an hour passed, my phone vibrated again and I saw my battery was at 100%. I took it off the charger, and Kaneki opened his eyes. "Oh, Good morning.." He yawned. "His Kuro form is adorable" I thought smiling back to him.

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