Chapter 10

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Eoin picture... inni  so cute?? 

IMPORTANT: i like catz O-O 


Eoin and I began his training the very next day. We left at the crack of dawn, before anyone else woke up, so we wouldn't be questioned. Eoin knew of a glade, a half-hour ride from the castle, hidden in the forest. Every day we went to the glade, and I trained with him for almost 6 hours. At the end of the training, we would have a lunch by a stream and I would coach him on courtly ettiquete, and how to talk to ladies. 

"Do you sing?" I asked him one day, as we munched on cold meat and bread. I was laying on the ground, next to the stream. I was wearing breeches and a very short, corseted dress, almost a shirt. 

"Yes." he said, blushing a little. Already, his voice was clearer and stronger, and had a commanding note. "A little, but Adrian is so much better and-"  He stopped, mortified. 

"Adrian?" I said, shocked. "He sings?"

Eoin glanced around. "Yeah. Really well. Don't tell him I said that!" 

"I won't." I said. "I like my head where it is."

We continued with his training for close to 10 days, as my family was delayed, because of raids by the Lliavads. On the last day, the day my family was coming, I finally agreed to face him.

The grass was soft under my bare feet. It was summer in Jaden, and the glade was filled with birdsong and the humming of bees. 

"Alright." I said, readying my sword. "Ready position."

"Don't tell me." Eoin said. "I want to do it myself."

He balanced his sword and got in a ready position. We circled each other, and scrutinized each others defenses. He lunged to my side, but I was ready for him. I twisted my sword to cover it, then realized he had feinted. His sword flickered around in a flashing arc to my neck. I ducked, and felt the cold metal barely touch my skin. I felt a stinging pain, and the warmth of blood on my neck. I straightened and lashed out at his chest. Eoin parried the blow then stepped back.

We continued to circle each other. Then his brow creased and he looked behind me. "What the hell?"

I turned to see nothing and then realized my mistake. I felt his cold sword blade at my throat. I sighed. "Damn."

"See?" said Eoin, grinning. "Sometimes, brain wins over brawn." 

I gave a bow. "I thank thee for the challenge, worthy opponent."

Eoin laid out the lunch, whistling cheerily to himself.I went to the stream, to wash the wound on my neck. My blood turned the clear, sparkling water a deep, gorgeous crimson red. A twig snapped, and I froze. I casually got up and went by Eoin.

"Eoin." I whispered. "There's someone there."

"Really?" said Eoin, smiling. 

"You bet." I said, turning away. "Look, black berries." I pointed to the bush, which was rustling slightly, even though the day was windless. 

"Hmm." Eoin casually placed his hand on his sword. "You get them."

"Fine." I walked over to the bush, whistling. I allowed my eyes to travel over the area, casually. I neared it and kneeled by the bush. I reached out to pick a berry, then lunged my hand into the bush and grabbed onto a shirt collar. Eoin ran over to my side, his sword drawn. 

I pulled the spy out of the bush, my sword at his throat. I nearly dropped it when I saw who it was. 

"FYNN!" I said. "The hell are you doing here?!"

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