Something right

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  Closing the door of my room felt like I just shut the door to my greatest happiness. I looked around and realized that I felt empty without him. I did try to find someone else to fill that spot, but it was no use. I clinched my fists and shut my eyes tight, fighting with the urge to just stay calm and go on with my life, but then something in me shouted "No!" and my eyes opened again, but this time with determination.
   I sat on my desk and wrote a letter to William. I apologized for not being able to stay with him in the relationship we had, but deep down I knew that it would never work out. Not only because of Fred, but because of his mother. We were just too different and perfection was something I wasn't looking for. I just needed the imperfect Weasley in my life, with all of his flaws.
   Rereading the letter, I finally gathered the strength to glue the envelope and attach it to my owl's foot. Opening the window the bird flew out and slowly faded into the dark sky. Suddenly, my shoulders got lighter and I felt like breathing again. I closed my eyes and with a smile, picturing the Burrow and the next second my ears heard the joyful voices again.
    I felt so right in place here. It wasn't something of a royal manner or taste, but for me it was more than that. Slowly taking steps away from the shadow of the tree I was standing behind, my eyes searcher for Fred. I found everyone, but him and slowly I became unsure of my behavior. Did I do the right thing to come here?
   Luckily, my question was answered by the warm yellowish light that came from the opening of the house door. And there he was holding a plate in his hand, looking a bit gloomy.
"Fred!" I called out his name and everyone's eyes turned to my direction.
   Few people said my name, some from surprise, others with joy. But Fred just froze at his feet. I let out a giggle and ran quickly to him. As I got closer his smile appeared on his lips and he let go of the plate, not caring if the meal was now on the ground. He spread his hands just in time for me to jump and wrap mine around his neck.
"I'm in love with you, Fred Weasley!" The words came out rather loudly than I wanted them to. "I am in love with you too." I whispered this time and buried my face in his neck.
His arms tightened around me and he chuckled.
"Glad you finally came to that conclusion, Daniels." And before I could say something smart I was lifted up from the ground in bridal-style and spun around. Butterflies exploded and tickled my stomach, causing me to laugh out loud with joy.
     Claps came from behind us and when we realized we weren't alone he put me down. I could feel how my cheeks were burning, but I was so happy that embarrassment didn't seem to bother me.
    The rest of the night continued with games, mostly suggested by the twins. Fred was looking for all sort of excuses to peck me or steal me away from the crowd for a brief moment to fully kiss me on the lips. It felt so right to have his lips on mine, the perfect sync, the perfect moves... it was just magical.
    Of course, it all came to an end as everybody got tired and sleepy. Fred wanted me to stay with him tonight, but I insisted on returning back home and in the end he gave in. Sadly, I couldn't fall asleep from all of the emotions that were keeping me awake. For the first time in a very long period I felt like I did something right this time. 

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