Chapter One

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Hey this is my first story on Wattpad so take it easy with me, there will be many, many mistakes but bare with me, English is not my first language, Spanish is. The point of view will change so try to keep up. Here goes nothing...

                                                              Chapter one

                                            ~~~~~ Alex - A new start ~~~~~

     She said this was finally it, the family I always wanted. The family that would take care of me and give me everything I've been missing in my life. The family that would provide everything I always needed and wanted. So why don't I believe it?

It's not because I've heard that same speech numerous times. It's not because I don't trust her. It's not because I know they will get rid of me the first chance they get. It's definitely not because I don't appreciate all she's done for me all these miserable years.

It's because I'm used to it. I've done this for quite a while. I'm used to moving from home to home, even state to state. I know what it's like to be rejected and not wanted. I know what it's like not be cared for. I know it all too well by now.

I'm so used to being the new girl at school every few months that's its now second nature. I'm used to being alone in this world. I'm used to being on my own and not having anyone to rely on.

I'm just so used to it all.

"Now, Alexandria I want you to be a on your best behavior today." My social worker tells me looking down on me with her green eyes. She squeezes my shoulder reassuring me. Her eyes are sympathetic and hopeful. 

'Here she goes again.' She's just trying to help. 'But does she have to treat you like a little kid?'

"Cassandra I know the drill."I tell her balancing my Nike bag and skateboard while winking at her. "This is not the first time we do this, and don't worry we will be doing this again in a few months anyway." She glares at me with her piercing green eyes as she hugs the documents in her hands. I was tempted to annoy her some more, but the door was opened before I could even enjoy the moment.

'Darn it!' Oh stop it.

A girl with a red maid outfit opens the door and greets us. I remain silent and let Cassandra do her thing. The maid has a smile on her face as she invites us in saying we are to wait the living-room. 

I would be lying if I said that this house is like every other house I am forced to live in. Cassandra always brought me with poor families who gave me worn out clothes and hand me downs. I was put in houses where everything was bought in garage sales, flea markets, or if I was lucky, Wall-Mart. But this house is nothing compared to any house I've ever seen or been at. This house belongs in the cover of magazines and by the looks of it, maybe it has.

The outside itself is already breathtaking, but the inside is amazing. There are cream couches gathered in the living room with a huge plasma television and a fire place in the far wall. A crystal chandelier hangs above the huge dining table. The wooden floor is so shiny I can see my own reflection. There are little decorations that give the house a modern and elegant look. Everything about his house screams expensive and breakable. It all just makes me want to go out the door running.

'Don't be ridiculous!' Can you stop? 

Another woman appears seconds later with a warm smile on her face. She is very tall and has on a suit that looks more expensive than anything I've ever seen. I feel so out of place when realizing I have an outfit that all together cost no more than $1o. The black shirt and the camouflage boy shorts are torn and old, while my black Converse shoes are dirty and have holes on them from years of torment.

"Good morning," The woman says as she extends an intimidating freshly manicured hand. "I'm Rachel Smith."  Cassandra takes it while I just stare at her. She seems to be in her mid 20's and is breathtakingly beautiful.

I just stand there looking at her while she still has her hand extended for me to shake. She has flawless skin with shoulder length curly brown hair. She has the most amazing hazel eyes I've ever seen. The suit hugs her body showing off her curves and mile long legs. Everything about this woman is elegant to a degree where it seems that she is very meticulous about how she presents herself. 

Cassandra clears her throat snapping me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and take her hand. She has soft hands.

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