How you meet

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*~~~(Y/N) POV~~~*

I always love to take walks from school to home. But, it was cold, cold means Winter, Winter means short days, short days means less sunlight, less sunlight means less time to take a walk in the park. {(A/N) haha sucks for you!}

"UGH! Mom will be mad if i'm late!"

"Maybe I can go through the alley?"

*~~~3rd pov~~~* Flashback

(Y/N) was walking home one morning from the park. She wanted to go home and fall asleep. (Y/N) turned into an alley accidentally. She realized that it was a shortcut to her street. (Y/N) was pleased, because all the bullies at school follow her to the park sometimes.


*~~~(Y/N) POV~~~*

I never went into the alley at night. It sure is creepy.

Note to self: Never walk in the alley at night.

I then heard footsteps behind me. Scared, I walked a little faster. Only for the footsteps to be right behind me. Then out of nowhere, a hand grabs my wrists and twists me around. A large, fat, man with a creepy grin from ear to ear.

"What the!?"

The fat man grabbed my face and lowered himself to me height.

"Well, well. Look's like we got ourselves a prize!", he bellowed.

WE?! Oh no, does he mean?!

Then four other guys came out from behind the fat man. They eyed me up and either wooted or wolf-whistled. I squirmed in the fat man's grasp. I had only one option, hoping it would work. I was about to scream.

"Oh! Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Billy," The fat man, a.k.a Billy, said, "This is Matt, Jaden, Raph and Ken."

"Let the fun begin."


They laughed darkly. Hoping my option would still work, I screamed,


*~~~*Meanwhile*~~~*~~~*Lloyd's POV*~~~*

Man, riding the Ultra Dragon around town is awesome. Fresh city air, the wind in your face. Perfect day to be flying! {(A/N) guess where i got that from ^_^} Then I heard a cry for help, literally.


To be continued....DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!!!

Lloyd x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora