Surprise love

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•••warning this chapter contains adult themes. If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to skip this chapter. To sum up the import things you would miss if you skipped this Andrew loves the guitar and is really sweet. K enjoy.••••

I bite my lip and wait for his reaction.
"'s beautiful. It really is and I don't even know what to say its amazing." He puts the guitar gently in its case before standing up and wrapping me in his embrace. He leans down kissing me before leading me into the living room. "wait here. Don't leave the room until I come back."
"Alright." I'm puzzled as to what he's up to as he leans down and gives me another quick kiss before scrambling out of the room.
I sit down on the couch and stare at the wall, then the ceiling, and then my phone. I have no idea what got into him but he had the same glint in his eyes that he had when we were baking and that turned out so well.
Soon five minutes go by, then ten, then twenty, eventually I just drift off to sleep laying on the couch.
"Aria wake up" I wake up to Andrew lifting me up off the couch and carrying me out of the room.
"I'm up." I yawn. "Sorry I fell asleep."
He smiles. "Don't worry, just relax." He carries me back into his room and into the bathroom. "Surprise love." He sets me down gently and I look around.
The room is lit up by candles flickering softly and providing a warm glow. "Andrew it's-"
"Shhh just enjoy it." He whispers wrapping his arms around me and turning  me back towards him. Slowly he leans down kissing me his hands wander from my waist up. Slowly we undress each other as we get closer to the tub which has been filled with water already. It isn't rushed but it's still passionate. He picks me up and we get in together with me sheltered in his arms. The water isn't too hot but it's a lovely warmth that matches the atmoshpere. As we lay in the water together I turn around and lay against him. "I never knew how easy it would be to fall in love with you. How much I could love you and how much you would mean to me." I run a hand through his hair and down his jaw bringing him closer so I could kiss him. "I love you Andrew."
"And I love you Aria."
The warm atmosphere quickly became heated and in the end if it was possible out love free stronger.

•••••I HAVE RETURNED. Okay I'm really sorry I had a huge writers block and had no idea how to get the story from where it was to where it's heading but I think I know what I'm doing now. I'm also really sorry again. But I posted so that good right? Dependent on how long it takes for the plot to get it where I need to be this story may be user 60 chapters but then I will start the second book so yay (I apologize ahead of time as well for what I'm going to do) okay loves that's about it for this note thank you for sticking with me even though I'm a terrible person who never updates••••

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