Chapter XXIII: Jealousy and Confusions

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Wolf man...

I can hear the faint beating of his heart and it hurts that l cant do anything for him. The thought made me clench my hands. I closed my eyes to control my emotions. I'm an Alpha and showing any kind of weakness can be used against me, worst is , can be used against my mate as well . My wolf growled as the thought passed our mind. My wolf and I never get along well but it seems that we are one when it comes to our mate. I sigh and rubbed my face with my palm. I'm barely holding myself and of course, my wolf to barge in through the door to the infirmary and grabbed my mate. . But I knew that won't do him any good.

If I hadn't let my wolf rampaged I could've save Him. Instead of focusing myself on killing those piece of shit!

My heart ache as I remembered how he screamed in pain as the demon latched it's razor sharp teeth and bit his shoulder. That's the last thing I remember cause my wolf took over and instantly killed the demons. I closed my eyes and willed myself to calm down as my body shook with pure anger. I can still remember. .. and it scared the hell out of me. The thought of losing him put me on edge.

No I'm not just scared.. When I saw it and can't prevent it from happening- it felt like I was dying with him. Shattered and broken and wont be better until he opens those beautiful eyes of his.

My musing was cut off as I smelled two familiar scents- one was more potent while the other is just mild strawberries. I stood straight and walk towards the door and opened it. I was instantly met with loud noises as the commotion happened in front of me. There stood the little girl who's name I don't know and with him is the man from earlier.

The commotion instantly stopped as the wolf warriors that I assigned realized that I was standing there taking in the surrounding and the happenings. I masked my expression as i stared at all them.

The other two stared at me. The little girl looked at me as if I murdered her cat and the man just sigh and gently tapped the girls shoulder making her relaxed instantly. I glared at the man. I know it's childish but it felt like this man is more than a family. My wolf growled at that. I don't care who they are but they are not taking my mate anywhere! This man is the very reason why my mate is dying. Brian tried to protect him even at the cost of his life, and I knew right there and then that he is more than a special friend to him. Brian look at him like he was a god or something. I know it's unreasonable to feel this way against the man but the thought of my mate loving another pissed me off more than anything else.

The man tilted his head and I was met with golden eyes. I gasped as I saw a twirl of silver like it was alive. His hair is silver and he has this ethereal beauty that only confirmed my suspicion that he's not human. Then i heard the little girl 'tsk" making me focused my gaze on her.

"Where is my brother! " the little girl ask as she crossed her little arms in front of her chest. The little girl has a platinum blonde hair the same as my mate. Her blue eyes stared at me intently as she await for the answer like a spoiled little girl.

The man stepped forward and extended his hand- "I'm Alois and this girl is his sister." My gaze immediately drift towards the little girl and studied their features. Now that I think of it. She really looks like him.
I cursed my stupidity as I realized how I act towards them cause if there's someone I need to beg to ask for approval, it's the little girl in front of me. Although I wonder if she truly is that young. I think she's 12 or something. I flinched at the realization that I might end up rejected if I continue being an asshole.

"Where is he?" The man- Alois ask and it looks like his barely holding himself from running towards the room and barge in like a mad man. I stared at him icily. Brians sister, I can be patient but with this man- it seems that every control of my anger easily slipped away like dust in a wind. Besides what can this man do to help my mate?

"He's in there. The pack doctors are doing what they can.. We will just interfere with them if we go Inside." I said calmly, even though I, myself knew fully well that it was the complete opposite of what I was feeling. I'm scared and I'm reining in my emotions.

"You don't understand. I need to be with him. I need to heal him!" He exclaimed as he gave me a pleading look. It made me uncomfortable looking at those golden eyes of his.

I stared at him blankly. I don't know who he is and what he means to Brian but I can't just let him go near Brian. Brian and his little sister does not know what supernatural creature is this man. Trust is out of the question when he hid it to himself and of endangering the two.

"Look, I don't know what you are. And I Do not trust you. So either you wait here or go outside If you kept on insisting on going inside." I snapped at him. I know my wolf is at the surface cause Alois backed away from me. I expect him to follow my command but he held himself and stood straight as he glared right back at me. It seems that his patient is slipping out as well. Good. That makes the two of us.
He breath in and out, Trying to calm his nerves. Then his eyes narrowed.
"Look, I don't care if you're his mate- it doesn't give you the right at any way to stop us- his very own family from helping him. Now I need to heal him and if you keep in mind that jealousy then I suggest you go outside and cool your petulant wolf. Put him in his right place. I'm gonna kill you if we lose Brian because of your ignorance and petty jealousy!" He snapped back making my jaw clench in anger. I do not expect this angle like creature to snapped at me like a mad man he is now. I expected my wolf to lash it's wrath but it shocked me when
My Wolf Submitted To Him Without A Fight !Shocking Me to the core . Alpha wolf just submitted to him. My wolf just whimpered and curled himself at the back of my mind making me confused of what had happened.

Alois, softened his gaze and whispered "sorry" in his small voice and made his way to the door. While I can do nothing but nod at him like I was hit by a train and left there barely functioning.

"Jealousy is truly a Bitch! " the little girl uttered as she followed the man and gave me a stink eye. Then she grin as she skip and made her merry way to the door, while I stared at their backs mulling over the fact that: first, the guy just flipped me off, me an alpha yet my wolf never retaliate instead he submit fully at the man. Second, the little girl is not that innocent as she look but more like a little devil incarnate.

I was left speechless. Asking my self "what the hell just happened!".

To be continued....
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