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Walking sheepishly through the deserted ally the cracks seemed like gapping holes in the pavement. The whispering wind danced passed my ears as I turned around to check the empty darkness. Nothing. But he would be there, somewhere. He always was.

Trailing in my right hand was my rucksack, the only thing I had left. That's the thing about running from a monster, you can not leave a trail. You take as little as possible and run. So that's what I did.

A growling behind me interrupted my thoughts, penetrating the once still night that I had been walking in. Slowly, I turned around to find two golden orbs that were staring back a little further away, their light was shining in the dark like a torch. But I did not stay long enough to think much about them, because I broke out in a run. Turning the corner the growling came again, closer this time, but I quickly stumbled open another rode and ran down it.

The now open rode was scattered with cars like obstacles in a race. The howling of the wind was hidden by the sound of rain that had began to pour. Putting up the hood of my charcoal hoodie I crouched under a tree, only to start running when the growling got nearer.

"Faith," His voice rang out. Klaus' voice, " you can't run from me forever sweetheart".

Running across the field next to the houses I could not see anything, it was as if I was blindfolded. Loosing my footing I tripped and heard a loud crack and let out a small scream before covering my mouth, mentally scolding myself. Using both of my hands I pushed myself out of the long grass before falling flat on my back again.Tears formed in my eyes as pain shot through my right foot.

"Well, look at you, taken down by some mud. Wow love I thought you were stronger than that,guess I was wrong". Klaus taunted smirking at me.

"Wh..what do y..you want Klaus"? I stuttered quietly.

"You know what I want sweetheart. What type of hybrid are you"? He crouched down next to me before pulling me up by my shoulders.

"I don't answer to Originals. Especially not you".

"We'll see about that. Come on",Klaus started dragging me back to where I had ran from before,"I suggest you stop struggling we both know I'm stronger than you. That is unless you want to tell me what supernaturals you are but we both know what your answer will be".

For the rest of the walk he stayed silent, though his stern looks every time I tried to run told me enough. My black hair blew into my face as I limped down the now narrow road before we came to a stop in front of a rather big car. It's red paint now slightly shining at the start at the soon to be fully risen morning sun, the orange globe spreading out in the sky. Klaus opened the door for me and pushed me into the car, landing on leather seats that, from the smell, seemed new.

"I suggest you get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us". Klaus told me before glancing at me and smirking. "Don't look so scared love. You get to spend time with me".

"Great" I thought to my self sarcastically.

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