26. Nights Without Them

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Sleeping without Steve was a pretty normal thing, but tonight you were more anxious without him than usual. Steve had stayed with you the two previous nights and you wished he was there tonight, but he didn't think he should. After trying to fall asleep for over an hour you just couldn't manage it. So you decided to call Steve, thinking that maybe talking to him would help put your mind at ease. He picked up after the third ring sleep obvious in his voice. 

"Hey Darling, what's up? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Steve. I just can't sleep, I'm sorry did I wake you up?"

"It's fine, just tell me what's on your mind?" You told him that you were missing him and you two started to talk about some random things, until you eventually ended up falling asleep while still on the phone. Steve realized you weren't responding and heard your even breathing on the other end, figuring out immediately what had happened. He chuckled at you whispered goodnight and hung up to go to bed himself. 


Bucky was off with Steve on a mission and you were missing him more than you thought possible. You had spent the whole day in a pair of  his sweatpants and one of his t-shirts, and after your shower you changed into another set. You crawled into bed and pulled the comforter over your head, but sleep was just not coming to you. The bed was cold and the apartment was eerily quiet without him. You got up and turned on some music, some quiet acoustic songs to get rid of the silence and make being alone less unnerving. Then you grabbed Bucky's pillow and placed it so that it would be behind you when laid down on your side. Then you crawled back into bed and curled up with you back firmly against Bucky's pillow. You closed your eyes and tried to loose yourself in the music hoping for sleep. Eventually, about two hours later, sleep finally came and you dreamed of Bucky coming home the rest of the night.


Pietro had been gone for a few days and you were missing him more and more. Thankfully he had given you a fresh hoodie to hang on to before he left. It smelled exactly like him and you wore it around all of the time. Tonight you decided to wear the sweatshirt to bed hoping that it would help you fall asleep. After crawling into bed you read for awhile before turning the light off and pulling the comforter over you. You pulled the hood of Pietro's sweatshirt over your head letting yourself be engulfed in his scent. To your wonderful surprise the hoodie worked like magic, as you began falling asleep you felt even more like Pietro was there with you and you found yourself asleep in under an hour. Waking up the next morning was a little disappointing without Pietro, but you knew that he would be home soon and that comforted you.


Loki had been gone too long and you were out of your mind with worry. You decided you would wait for him on the couch since he was supposed to be home any day now. You started the night by reading on the couch with a fleece blanket over your legs, but that only lasted about two hours until you couldn't stand it anymore. You decided to distract yourself for a while by making yourself some tea, decaf of course. When you finished making the tea, you went back to the couch to drink it and try to read more. About three fourths of the way through your tea you found yourself not being able keep your eyes open anymore and put the book down. You laid down on the couch, pulling the blanket over you and as you started to drift off to sleep you could have sworn you heard Loki's velvety voice whisper 'Goodnight my queen, sleep well.'  When you woke up the next morning, still on the couch, Loki is still no where to be seen. Still, you feel a little bit more optimistic. 


You liked to sleep as much as possible when Clint was away, because when you were awake you worried too much.  Tonight though Clint decided to call you just as you were getting out of the shower, because you were still putting on clothes you weren't able to reach the phone until the fourth ring. When you picked up the phone you smirked to yourself before speaking.

"Hey Robin Hood."

"Hey Kitten. Are you okay?" Clint asked breathless.

"I'm fine, are you okay? You sound of breath."

"I'm good, you just took longer than usual to answer and I was worried about you." You smiled at how much Clint cared about you.

"Awww is my big strong archer assassin scared?" He laughed at your comment and you two continued talking for a few minutes before he had to go. You crawled into bed and smiled to yourself, feeling warmed by the thought of Clint loving you enough to be that worried about you. You ended up falling asleep thinking about what you and Clint could do together when he came home.


You definitely missed Thor when he was away, but you also sort of enjoyed having more of the bed to yourself. Since Thor took up so much space when he was there you didn't really get any space to yourself. Tonight you had decided to relax by taking a long bath and lighting some candles. Then you jumped into bed and looked over at the picture on your nightstand. It was an adorable shot from the Boston Marathon of you and Thor at the finish line. You smiled at the image and kissed your hand before tapping it to the picture. Then you whispered 'Goodnight Hammer-time' hoping that Thor was thinking about you too. Then you rolled over and sprawled out over the entire bed letting yourself drift off quickly.


Tony had been away for a couple of nights now and you were getting barely any sleep, and your friends were noticing. You told them you were fine, but honestly you missed having Tony around. Tonight though you decided that maybe having another person there would make you feel better and help you sleep. You called your best friend and she answered immediately.

"Let me guess you can't sleep without your beloved Iron Man. Am I right?" Clearly she was feeling sassy tonight and you giggled at her.

"That is correct."

"Alright I'll be over in a few minutes."

"You knew I was gonna ask you to stay with me didn't you?" She laughed at you.

"Of course I did, I know you all too well. Now I've got to drive, I'll see you soon. Love you!" With that she hung up. A little while later she was running into your room and jumping onto the bed. You two talked for a few minutes before you passed out from complete exhaustion due to lack of sleep.


Nat being away terrified you beyond belief, you knew just how dangerous her job was and that any day you could get a phone call telling you that she was gone. At night this fear practically consumed you and you laid there staring at the ceiling for about an hour praying for sleep. Then you realized that whenever Nat slept with you she always had an arm over your abdomen and a legs over your legs. You thought that maybe by replacing the heat she provided you might be able to sleep better. you picked up a spare blanket, rolled it up and folded it. You place part of it over your abdomen and the other part over your legs. In your head you pretended the added warmth was from Nat and let the thought carry you off to sleep. 


You missed Wanda when she was away, and you could usually distract yourself from that during the day at work. At night though all that worry came rushing to you as you stared at  her side of the bed. You wanted to call her, but you knew that she probably wouldn't be able to answer and when she didn't you would just be even more worried about her. So you resisted the urge and curled up staring at her side of the bed even longer wishing she was there. After a while you couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed her pillow holding it tightly to your chest, letting a few tears fall. Subconsciously you noticed that the pillow smelled like her shampoo and it started to comfort you. After you stopped crying exhaustion really set in and you finally fell asleep. 

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