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All characters, places, and things belong solely to J.K Rowling. I take no credit for them, this is Fan Fiction. 


"Mum...What is this?"

Eleven-year-old Siera Black held a heavy envelope with emerald green writing out to her mother, who was seated on the couch with a bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

The envelope said: To Ms. Siera Black. Cedar Street East. House number 782. The attic.

She snatched the letter with a look of annoyance, then stared at it for a second, her eyes widening. The skin around her mouth tightened as her her face took on an ashen tone, paling even more than usual.

"Go to your room!" Cold fingers wrapped tightly around Siera's arms as her mum pulled her close and screamed, the stench of alcohol causing her eyes to burn.

"But mum-" Siera couldn't help but glance curiously back towards the envelope clenched in her mother's hand. 

"Go!" Her mother pushed her away roughly.

Siera stumbled back before turning to run, tears spilling down her cheeks. She knew she shouldn't have given it to her mother.

She hid in her room for a while, emerging only when she heard snoring. She thought about stealing the letter back and hiding somewhere to read it, but her mother was a light sleeper, and the letter was clutched tightly to her chest.

Siera snuck into the kitchen around dusk, gazing solemnly at the small supply of food in the fridge and cabinets.  She settled on toast. Fishing out the last piece of bread and heating it over the fire. Then spreading the tiniest amount of jam over it.

The next day she and her mum split the last egg for breakfast. Then each had half of a sausage. Her mum usually glared at her, telling Siera how she would be living better if she didn't have to take care of a child. But today her mum was quiet, almost scarily so. Looking out the window with no expression. Still holding the letter.

After Siera had cleaned up and gone outside to feed the young chickens in their backyard her mum called her over. "Yes?" She stood in front of her mother, noticing how clear and pretty her gray eyes looked without the cloudiness of alcohol.

Her mother withdrew the letter and stared at it. Regret and hate written all over her face. "Read this to yourself."

Siera opened the letter, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Dear Miss Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.

It was signed by Minerva McGonagall, the deputy headmistress.

Siera reread it, and then a third time. Each time with more and more disbelief.

"Is this a joke mum? Witchcraft and Wizardry? There's no such thing."

"There is, Siera. Your father was a Wizard. I've seen proof of it with my own eyes." Siera's mum looked down at her hands, wringing the material of her dirty sweater between them. 

" father? You said he was an American businessman. He died in a plane crash before I was born." Siera sat down across from her mother. 

"I lied."


"Since the day I've learned about magic I've been plagued by it. It took everything from me. The life I once knew, the man I thought I loved, and now you."

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