Chapter Thirteen

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                    Keon Wyatt

That was bold of me. But I mean we had to get it out the way right? In two months we would be getting married and kissing in front of a bunch of people she didn't know. Who knows how awkward it would be then if we don't practice kissing now. That way it'll come natural to us. After our little talk, we were relatively quiet on the car ride home. Naiya was probably thinking about what the hell I just did and what Daniel said about her parents while I was wondering how the hell he knew her parents and what the hell he was looking for in my dad's office.

I'm just gonna ignore the obvious fact that he's sleeping with my sister though.

I found my hand grabbing hers during our ride. She didn't take her hand back but I did feel her stare a hole in my face. Naiya is pretty emotional, with good reason to be, and I just wanted her to feel comforted. It's bad enough that she has to endure this, but enduring this by being an asshole like I was when I first met her wouldn't make things any better. I'm not good at comforting people, well at least I don't think so, and it almost makes me gag when I express my feelings so holding her hand right now was the least I could do.

The one thing that will ruin your mood about driving besides getting into a fender bender is getting pulled over. And for a reason unknown, because I was definitely within the speed limit, a police officer was flashing his lights behind me. Sucking my teeth I pulled over onto the shoulder of the road. I slowly let go of Naiya's hand to grab my registration out of the glove compartment and my license from my wallet in my back pocket.

I put my window down, staring straight ahead.

"Evening sir," The officer stated as he approached my window.

"Evening." Without asking why he was pulling me over, I handed over my license and registration.

"Hmmm in a rush to get out of here huh?"

I slowly turned my head towards him, "Just give me my ticket and let me be on my way Officer."

He chuckled and looked over my license. "Well Mr. Wyatt, there was a call about a break in at Alphonse Wyatt's office."


I raised an eyebrow at him, doing a damn good job at pretending to give a fuck. It wasn't rocket science for me to figure out that me and Naiya were caught. "Wow. And it just happened?"

"Yup. And the caller gave a description of two people dressed in all black, getting into a Lexus. Similar to your car and the two of you," He nodded towards Naiya.

"What a coincidence."

"Indeed. Not only that but they gave your license plate...hence me pulling you over."

"Well I didn't break in. I have a key to his office. I mean that is my father and everything."

"Oh really? So what's with the all black?"

"All black is the thing Officer."

"Yeah yeah yeah, listen here. I could give you a charge for breaking and entering. Even if it was your father's office. The fact is, you went in there."


"There isn't any or."

"So you gonna arrest me?"

"Nope. But I will be at Daniel Moore's office tomorrow around noon and he says that if you cooperate with him, he won't tell Alphonse about the so called break in."

"Lemme guess he made the call."


"Of course. Well, I'll be sitting on pins and needles until then. In the mean time I have to get my lady home so if you don't mind."

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